Operation AkaKuro

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Chapter Three

When Akashi and Kuroko walked into the recreation room, the Kaijo and Touo match had just finished with Kaijo as the victors. The Kaijo players were as joyful as can be while the Touo players had defeated looks on their faces.

"I'm sorry!" Sakurai yelled, bowing to a complete ninety-degree angle several times.

Aomine scowled. "Quit it with the apologizing! You didn't do anything!"

"I'm sorry for being alive!"

"Sakurai, it wasn't your fault," Imayoshi said with a sigh. "If anything, it was mine and Aomine's."

Hyuuga, just by seeing the brunette apologizing, was irritated. "Yo, Apologetic Mushroom! Shut up!"

"Oh, no. He's entered clutch mode," Izuki said. "Well, that's actually kinda good since he's playing the next match."

Meanwhile, with Kaijo, Kise was laughing with glee and clapping his hands like the idiot he was.

"Oi, Kise, calm down. Don't rub salt in the wound," Kasamatsu scolded, hitting him on the head. He felt a little sympathetic toward them.

Momoi sighed. "Alright, then! Kaijo players, please choose your slaves! Remember that managers and coaches do not count!" she announced.

Moriyama was dismayed. He totally wanted to pick Momoi.

"I WANT AOMINECCHI!!!!" Kise yelled.

"Damn it, Kise! I knew it was coming!" the tanned player said, walking to Kise, irritatedly.

"Teehee!" he said with a victory sign. He jumped on the blue-haired boy's back and clung to him.

It caught Aomine by surprise, but he didn't fall over or anything. He instinctively put his hands under his legs to support him so they wouldn't fall over. "Agh, what the fuck, Kise?"

"I want a piggyback ride!" he ordered, childishly.

Touo's ace glowered at him. "Fine. But you're damn heavy."

"So mean! I'm lighter than you!"

"How do you know my weight?"

"I asked Momocchi," the cheery Kaijo ace said with a grin. "Go around the room for a victory parade, my trusty steed!"

"I'm not a fucking horse!"

"Then go onward, my trusty Aominecchi!"

"Ugh, fine. It's slightly better."

Everyone sighed at their idiocy. The other Miracles wondered how they dealt with them for three years.

Well, Kagami was kind of jealous of Kise. He didn't know why, but he was super irritated by the familiarity he had with Aomine. He wished Seirin would've played Touo first so he could've enslaved his rival.

"Uh... I guess, I'll take Imayoshi-san then," Kasamatsu said, awkwardly.

"This'll be a good chance to get to know each other, right, Kasamatsu-san?" Imayoshi said with that shady smile of his.

"Um, I guess so."

"I don't learry know who to pick," Hayakawa said, scratching the back of his head. "Um... Wakamatsu-san?"

"Here," the blond said, walking to the fast-speaking player.

"I'll go with Sakurai-kun then," Moriyama said.

"I'm sorry!" he said.

"Eh? Why?"

"I'm sorry!"

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