Chapter 18

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Dinner was a somber affair. No one was hungry but they didn't want to make a show in front of the servant and so forced themselves to land up at the dinner table. But no one spoke. Swara had spent more of her time cuddled up to Sanskar in his room, crying and Sanskar had let her shed those tears and let go of some of her pain without stopping her. He knew she needed to let it out badly.

The only thing nice in all this was that Shambhu kaka had been extra nice to Sanskar after hearing his initial declaration before they sequestered themselves to the study for the real discussion. He was a lot happier about his Sanskar baba being with Swara beti than when he was Laksh the supposed casanova out to Swara beti.

After dinner, Sanskar headed to the deck for some fresh air. That talk with Shekhar still didn't sit well with him and he was so lost in thought that he didn't hear Swara walking towards him. Swara wrapped her arms around him from behind and rested her forehead against his back. Sanskar could understand what Swara was going through. She wanted to just sink into his arms right now and forget everything that happened that day, even though it wasn't really possible to turn time around.

Sanskar took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles gently before drawing her in front of him and wrapping her in his arms. He looked at her, seeing her puffy red eyes and the melancholy look that resided on her face right now. There are times when the bond between two people is so strong that words aren't always needed. He didn't need to ask her if she was okay. She wasn't and she needed him more than anything right then. He needed to pull himself together for her and be her strength.

She looked up at him. A big question showing up on her face that he could read quite easily. She didn't need to verbalize it beyond saying "Why?"

"I don't know" Sanskar told her softly lightly brushing her thumb across her cheeks "But I will find out the truth. The whole truth. I promise you"

They both knew that there was more to this than want Shekhar had told them. But what, they weren't sure.

"I am scared about what the truth will reveal" she admitted more to herself than to him

"I know. You know that we can stop right now. If you don't want to know, we will let it be" Sanskar said hoping that she would agree to it and yet knowing that that wasn't something she would be okay with.

Swara shook her head "I know why you needed to say it. But will I ever be able to live with the what ifs if I don't find out the truth?" she asked, vulnerability showing through her eyes. He kissed her on her forehead before pulling her into the comfort of his hug, even as she said "The prick that will always be there in my conscience"

"I wont let it hurt you anymore" he said, making her that promise

"I want to go and meet Kamala bai" Swara said after a few minutes in the warmth of his embrace

Sanskar pulled back "I will figure out a safe way in and then we can go there."

"I could disguise myself. No one will know if I go there" Swara told him

"Cookie, you will not go there alone! Promise me you wont do that." Sanskar said holding her face in his palms "Promise me. Please."

Swara nodded "Will you tell Bade Papa about what we found out today?" She asked after a while

Sanskar shook his head "He doesn't need to know this"

"Why? He cares for you so much" Swara asked him

"He does care a lot for me. I am his family. He has a soft spot for family."

"He was there for you during these last 14 years" Swara stated

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