
37 3 0

You and I,
we sit under the beautiful
midnight sky - 

under constellations
and galaxies,
under nebulae
and planets

We gaze out into
the black abyss
dotted by gaseous
spheres burning brightly

realizing how   insignificant   we are -
a speck in existence,
and how the probability of us living
is       oh so tiny
it almost does not exist;
and yet here we are.

And yet when I look at your face
I do not see wonder 
or awe
I do not even see the universe
reflecting in your eyes.

It is as though
you cannot see the stars

     (nor how they light up
your soul so beautifully) 

A/N - Today, this story has reached #304 in Poetry.  That's a jump of over 300 spots within 3 days. Thank you all so much  and have a wonderful day - Kat, Xx

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