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Where do people go
in such a hurry?

Why do they race
to the end of their lives? 

Why don't they stop,
slow down,
and take a break? 

Why do people feel
as though life is quick?

It is the longest thing
that will ever happen. 

Where will racing off get them? 

It stops the beauty of everyday life
from being seen -
the raindrops on a leaf,
the yellowing of an old book,
the warmness of a small café. 

Life may be over one day,
but we cannot know when
or how long it shall take,
so notice the small things. 

Slow down,
b r e a t h e,
live for today. 

All it takes is a moment
to   r e m e m b e r
and   realize

that the stars are alive
and the moon is beautiful,
and that life is an amazing
and precious thing
to be treasured. 

While life takes forever,
at the same time is over far too soon,
so just stop

for one  brilliant  moment.

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