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My life was a secret, never dared to be   w h i s p e r e d    - 
a puzzle, that not even mathematicians could solve - 
all protected by invincible armor 
that even I couldn't pierce through. 

And if I couldn't  bre ak  through, 
how could anybody else? 
A few adventurous
charming - ones tried
and failed

because they grew  t
   and  w e a r y
or simply didn't find it in them to care anymore.

And then you came.

And you somehow did what even I couldn't - 
you   b r o k e   through my walls
and   f r e e d   me from my mind;
you did what everyone else could not - 
dared not - 
and taught me the beauty in having faith in others. 

And though we may not talk anymore,
nor see each other, 
thank you.

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