Chapter 1- Moving in.

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Harry POV-

I've moved Tj and Ryan into my house as of this morning. Tj has been in his room with his girlfriend most of the day. While Ryan sits outside his door. I've tried to get Ryan to move from the door but he just starts to silently cries and shake. Now I'm walking through my nephews door to see Tj and Jasmine all over each other.

"Your brother has been sitting outside your door all day.  While the two of you are making out on your bed," I say while the just noticed me as soon as I started talking. Jasmine sits up gives Tj a quick peck on the lips and walks by me whispering a "Goodbye" in the process of leaving.

"Uncle Harry I wasn't doing anything wrong and what do you want me to do about Ryan," My nephew ask me with a bit of attitude in his voice.

"Get your brother in here, talk to him, and be the big brother you usually are when you're not about to make babies with your girlfriend," I walk out of the room tell Ryan he can go in there , shut the door behind me, and then went to the back patio with the guys. "Finally Ryan is with Tj in his room hopefully getting to talk to him. After I found Tj and Jasmine making out on his bed. Maybe he is doing that because he could never take her or anyone to my brother before but that doesn't make it ok at my house, well their house to but this isn't a place to shack up with people," I tell Eric, Evan, Jeff, and Mike.

"Before Jasmine came over Tj was crying in his room and Ryan was sitting outside the door crying too. I don't know why he was crying but it seems like its been happening a lot. Tj still will come sit in my office during school. He will have a breakdown in class then once I get him to my office he will sob for hours," Eric informs me of this and it makes me worry even more about my nephews.

"When I moved Tj's stuff in his room today there was a medium size box and on the outside of it states 'Keep out my business not your's.' It sounded like there was liquid in there so if he's hiding things you need to find out what it's," I think the kids are all in the basement now so I'll go look in his room Eric come with me please," We both get up and head into the house to search the room.

Eric POV-

We go upstairs and I head for the drawers while Harry searches the boxes in the closet. I start going through everythimg I find Play Boy, Condoms, Lighters (2), and some Cigarette's. I dump the condoms in the trash leave him a little note in the box, put it back in the drawer, and then put the other things in my pockets so I don't lose them. Harry grabs the whole box and brings it down to the patio with us, I put all my things on the table while Harry just grabs the items out of the box. He pulls out....

- (1) Bong, (2)Bottles of Fireball, Vodka, Weed, and then a small lock box that needs a key to it. I put the Lighters, Play Boy Magiz, and the  Cigarette's on the table.

"Someone call Tj up here now before I drag his ass up here." I hear Harry say. Evan gets up and goes down to get him.


I was holding Ryan in my arms walking around the basement rocking him because he wants me to hold him while he went to sleep. When I see Evan and he tells me to lay Ryan on the couch. I lay him down , I cover him with his blanket that he cares around all the time, and then I head upstairs with Uncle Evan onto the patio where all my uncles are. When I get there Uncle Harry and Uncle Eric step out of the way and I see all my things on the table. "Oh shit." I mutter under my breath trying to not have a panic attack.

     "Give me the key to the lock box I want to see what's in it," Uncle Harry holds his arm in front of me, I get the key out of my pocket and hand it to him. He proceeds to open the box and dumps everything out of it. My razors that I use to cut myself, cocaine, and my spice. We all sit down at the large patio table and I just sit and stare at all my belongings that are all going to be taken away from me.

"Do you want to start  by telling me why you brought drugs into my house? Or why there is dried blood on the razors. Can you just tell me why," My uncle ask me and I just wait a minute to start my explanation.

"The spice isn't mine or the cocaine that was my parents and I would take it from them so they wouldn't to it and I just never took it out. I've tried them both before but I didn't like them that much. The weed and bong are old, the liquor is mine, the cigarettes are for stress, we all know what play boy is for, and the razors.... When I get drunk or when I'm really depressed I cut myself," I take a deep breath that I was holding in. I couldn't look up at my uncles because I knew the looks I was getting was a very disappointed one to say the least.

"Tj, look at me buddy. Am I beyond pissed? Yes, I am but I understand still isn't right. You aren't getting any of this back but the play boy. Just don't let the little kids see it. Baby boy you can't be doing this in my house or out of my house. I know it hurts that your parents did what they did. But baby I can't fix that, I wish Ryan would talk to us and that you felt like you didn't have to do this to have relief. This isn't how you get over things or try to release stress. I know about everything and we are all here. If you get caught with these things I could lose all of you guys and my job. Because we as police officers take these off the streets or Eric takes them out of school. So no more of this Tj Aaron do you understand me?" Uncle Harry ask me I just nod my head sobbing my eyes out because this is what I do to have peace in life. I've raised Ryan for years now while my parents were getting high in  the next room.

"If you feel like you need to drink,smoke, or cut talk to one of us we can help," Eric tells me as I get up and I head back to my room  so I could be alone for awhile because everything that helped is all gone.

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