Chapter 4-- Amusing you say? (Part 2)

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A/N: sorry for the long wait.


I placed my mouth right next to her ear, “I am going to haunt you forever.” I said in a deep and what I hoped was a creepy voice.

“You failed your exam.”

“You’re stupid.”

“Your crush likes you back.”

“I’m seriously going to hit you.” No matter what I whispered in her ear, no matter how much I poked her, there was no response.

I sighed and just let her be; I can’t wake her up without making a lot of noise which would probably attract the teacher’s attention.

Family planning, blah blah blah… Nutrition, blah blah blah.. After one hour of excruciating (and boring) lessons, the bell finally rang, signaling the end of Technology and livelihood education.

Sheena and Alice waved and left for their next class while April and I walked down the halls together because our classes are in the same direction.

April was already up and packing her things, she yawned, slung her bag on her shoulder and waited for me to finish putting my things back in my bag.

She said nothing as we walked down the halls, I don’t know why. It wasn’t until Ariel Maynard jogged up to us that I realized why.

“Uh hey, sorry for Ranier’s behavior back there.” She said while she jabbed her thumb over her shoulder.

April’s grip on her things tightened until her knuckles where white, “So, what is he now? Your lapdog? Saying sorry on his behalf is like ‘Sorry that my dog just pooped on your lawn’ and it’s just disgusting. You could have just asked him to apologize for himself.” She snapped. Ariel flinched, surprised by April’s hostility.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it to look that way.” Ariel whimpered, she seemed scared of April, I mean I would be too if she (April) was looking at me with her dark blue eyes that way.

April ran a hand through her unruly fiery red hair, “Just don’t talk to me anymore.” She waved her hand in dismissal and dragged me away from a very awestruck Ariel.

“You have a grudge on her or something?” I asked. I mean, Ariel was being perfectly nice and I was still confused.

She snorted, “No, I don’t hate her personally. I hate her personality. She’s just so fu—“I cut her off mid-curse, “Don’t swear in front of me for no good reason.”

“But you swear all the time! You say ‘Damn’ and ‘What the Hell.’, I bet you say that lots of times in your head too.”

“’Damn’ and ‘What the hell’ are not curse words to me.”


“I spent my summer at the Philippines and What the Hell really isn’t a swearword there, I just got used to it I guess.” I explained. She just tilted her head to the side and continued the sentence she was saying before I cut her off.”

“She’s just so fudge-ing perfect! You know what I mean? It’s unfair to girls like us, she’s pretty, she’s smart, and she has guys falling at her feet. It’s just so sickening to see, girls like those are the ones who are fake. Everyone has imperfections, and I bet that she’s not that nice, she’s letting everyone believe that she’s that oh-so-perfect girl.” She made gagging noises, an irritated expression on her face.

I knew exactly what she meant, but by the look on her face and the way she spoke, there was way more than that. I decided not to pry and just to listen to her ramblings about how life isn’t fair and all that. It irked me how April was such a mysterious girl, yes we’ve only known each other for exactly two days but there’s just that aura of mystery that surrounded her, from her opinions to the scars on her face.

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