Is Love a Weakness or Strength???

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I saw Sofie on the floor and I went to go wake her up and help her up, but before I could do that I dropped to my knees in pain. Agnus walked in and held me down with a migraine. I fought the migraine but the more I fought the more it hurt. "What do you want?" I asked through clenched teeth. She said she wanted my braclet the one that Davina is link is too. If Angus gets the braclet she can find Davina

Agnus said I couldn't ruin her plan anymore but I would help her. Now I know what she did she used a dark object on Sofie one that raises a woman's body temperature so it kills the baby.

I inched my way over to a knife to attack her but before I could she threw all her knives at me with her magic I used magic to stop them but it was like they kept moving. It wasn't just Agnus the ancestors were helping her thats why she is more powerful then me.

I was itterupted from my concentration when the door opened it was Klaus. The knives came at me. There were a total of 5. 2 missed me completely, 1 grazed me on the arm, 1 in the shoulder, and 1 in the stomach. I started coughing up blood. When Angus saw Klaus she was gone. Klaus vamp sped over yo me. He bit his wrist and fed his blood to me. I thanked him and I was still in his arms. I told him what happened to Hayley and about the dark object.

He vamp sped us back to the house. I ran to Hayley. Elijah was holding her in the pool. Hayley was clutching her stomach in pain while screaming in pain, when Klaus bought Sofie back to the house she immediately started working on the herbs. I paced by the pool with Rebekah when I realized I could do something to ease her pain.

I took off my shirt but I had a cami on underneath. I jumped in and swam to Hayley and Elijah. I told Hayley it was going to be ok.

I told Elijah whatever happens not to break the connection between me and Hayley. I nodded at at them and grabbed Hayley's hand. I said an incantation that would ease her pain by transferring it onto me. When the incantation worked I screamed in pain I couldn't breathe. I was screaming so much. At least Hayley wasn't in a lot of pain.


I saw Madison take off her shirt and jump in. She swam over to me and Hayley. Hayley was screaming and grasping her stomach in pain. Madison told me not to let their connection break. She nodded at me and grabbed Hayley's hand. Once she did Hayley's screams lessened but Madison's screams became more louder. I didn't like to see Madison get hurt.

I looked over to see Klaus next to Sofie, but when Madison screamed he looked over and I saw fear and sadness in his eyes. He didn't rush over or say anything because he didn't want to show a weakness. He doesn't understand that love isn't weakness its our greatest strength.

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