It was at this point that air started to swirl around me. I froze in the middle of the corridor, causing a few of the students behind us to walk into me.

"Lila?" Wyatt and Chris asked. I ignored them and concentrated on the bad feeling that was suddenly brewing up in my gut. Leo had always told Melinda and I not to ignore our guts, because most of the time it was right. I now knew that something was going to happen today and it wouldn't be good. I shook my head and returned to the hall where my three friends were standing waiting for me.

"Sorry I'm coming now" I said. Wyatt frowned at me but kissed Amy anyway. Chris followed Amy into our class and Wyatt caught my arm, turning me so that I was facing him. He wore a worried expression on his face. I smiled at him, feeling my eyes crinkle at the edges as I took his hand in mine.

"Lila we need to talk" he said and I sighed, knowing that this was coming sooner or later.

"Okay, but it will have to wait until we get back home" I replied and he smiled and nodded at me.

"Just be careful okay?" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a big girl now Wyatt, I can look after myself" I shook my head at him. He shrugged at me.

"What? Am I not allowed to worry now? Especially after I realised what you're really like?" he asked and I stuck my tongue out at him but didn't trust myself to answer.

I turned away from Wyatt and headed towards my class. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Wyatt did the same. Chris smiled at me from our usual table as I walked through the doorway.

The smell of brand new carpet and fresh paint rose to my nostrils, and I inhaled it, feeling comforted by it. All of the tenth grade classrooms along this corridor had finally been redecorated over Winter break, and the smell still hadn't disappeared yet. Mr Moline, who was our homeroom teacher had been trying to get rid of the smell by using those plug-in air fresheners. He changed it each week, this week the smell of flowers tried to mask the smell of new things. Though it didn't work, I noted, as my nose crinkled against the smell as I took my place on the chair next to Chris.

Mr Moline called the register and we all answered when our name was called.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Amy asked. I looked at her. What a strange question to ask. Then again this was Amy that I was talking about. I shrugged at her.

"We'll decide when school is over with" I announced and she nodded before turning her attention back to the front of the classroom. My body went ice cold, as though someone had just dropped me in a bathtub full of ice that was slowly melting. I felt the goosebumps on my arms raise and I couldn't stop shivering.

Lila  someone whispered from behind me. I turned around but the only people who were there were Jacob, Helena and Jeremiah, who sat on the table behind us. I shook my head and turned back around to find a hooded figure standing in the empty space next to Amy, which just happened to be opposite me. I gulped but couldn't say anything, since I knew I was the only one that could see him.

Who are you!  I sent telepathically, hoping that it would reach the hooded figure. The figure twitched and I knew it had worked. The figure was wearing a black robe that reached the floor. His hands lifted, causing the sleeves to roll downwards, and he lifted the hood away to reveal a man hidden beneath.

I sucked in a quiet breath, that made Chris and Amy turn sharply towards me.

"Lila?" Amy whispered, but I barely heard her, I was too busy concentrating on the figure in front of me. He had fair skin, that was almost translucent and black eyes so dark that I didn't know if he had pupils. His hair matched his eyes and one half of his face was burnt. He wore a smile that I would associate with creepy stalkers on the television. However I knew he wasn't a stalker, and I knew he wasn't real. One reason I knew this was the fact that I had killed him ten years ago. The man standing in front of me, wasn't a man at all, he was in fact my demon father.

Dating A Charmed One. Did I Mention I'm Half-Demon?Where stories live. Discover now