~Chapter 1~

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It'd been four months since you'd seen another person. Error left you in this blank dimension as a way of torture, trying to break you will so you'd be a better puppet. You'd never been that easy to control though, so it was just prolonged solitary confinement.

You missed Chara, and Paps, and Sans, and everyone else. Sometimes you'd walk around the empty space to see if you ever found anything, but the blank space just seemed to go on forever.

5 months...
8 months...

Finally a year had passed. You knew because everyday that passed, you left a cut on your thigh. It wasn't because you enjoyed it, but the cut were shallow and they lasted. Three hundred and sixty-five cuts later you'd almost given up.

Your days were filled with endless wondering on repeat. You hadn't heard another person in so long, you began to forget the voices of even your friends. You sat silently with your blade, twisting it around your fingers in a sort of dance. You'd gotten good with the tool. Other than using it to keep track of the days, you performed tricks with it often. But now the tricks seemed worthless, just another dull distraction.

A silent tear rolled down your cheek but you didn't bother to wipe it away. Occasionally an image floated across your memory. Sometimes it was a child, they wore a green and yellow sweater. Their hair was short and beige, and their eyes were like rubies. You felt close to them, but as time passed, you forgot their name among the names of others.

Sometimes you cried but you never knew why. You cried for hours without reason. Sometimes you sang to fill the ring of silence. Your voice may not of been your own, but who were you to say.

Slowly the cut grew over your entire body. Countless days passed, and the scars proved it. You gave up. Vague memories only made you cry. Your blade tricks did nothing to save you from the void in which you dwelled. You were hopeless.
<Time Skip>
It was loud and confusing. Words filled the air... But you didn't speak. Your eyes scanned the blank landscape to land on a new person. They were foreign and familiar at the same time. It was like you'd seen them before, but forgotten.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled, running towards you.

You looked at him with a blank expression. He was a skeleton. Odd. His eye sockets supported eyes using blue stars as pupils. He wore something that looked like armor and a bright blue scarf. He seemed battered.

He approached you but all you could do was stare blankly. His expression was full of an odd emotion... Concern maybe?

He said that name again. "(Y/N)?" He asked.

His eyes fixed on your skin and for some reason you wanted to hide the marks. For whatever reason, this person meant something to you.

"W-Who's that?" You asked.

That voice you recognized. It spoke broken words in a quiet tone. That was you.

The skeleton collapsed to his knees next to you and wrapped his arms around me. "Oh (Y/N)! What did he do to you?! Did you make these cuts? Did he hurt you?"

Vague images played in your mind but you didn't understand them. "They're the days." You said flatly. "They days I've been alone. Five hundred and twenty-seven today."

The skeleton gasped and sat next to you. "D-Did you forget us?" He asked.

You nodded, but it felt like a lie. "Who is (Y/N)?" You asked.

The skeleton smiled weakly. "That's you. Your name is (Y/N). And my name is Sans. But you call me Blueberry."

Certain memories came back and you furrowed your brow. "There are other skeletons. Who are they?" You asked.

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