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"The United States Of America has been struck with disasters of all kinds. Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Floods, Wildfires, anything you can think of. Scientists cannot explain why all of this is happening, but rescue teams from across the world are being sent in and any survivors that are found will be sent to another country, the need for donations is being heavily stressed. " The TV blared somewhere around the world. The entire planet held it's breath as an aerial view of Louisiana showed a woman sitting on a roof top as waters raged bellow her. It was breathless again as there were images of an entire town burnt down and a little boy found severely burnt. The next showed a man buried under a pile of rubble, mothers were already covering their children's eyes. Young women were held by their lovers as they cried for the lost lives. The world broke into tears as a picture of a preschool that had been ripped to shreds by a tornado was shown. The entirety of the untied states from above looked like a disaster zone and the world couldn't stand it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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