Chapter 82: If the Price Fits

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Francesca's POV

I remember throwing a vase at her head, how could I not? I regret the decision I made to use the air element against my own flesh and blood--wait, did I mean to say that? No, no, no! I didn't mean to say that at all! But it's hard, you know? Thinking that you're life couldn't get any worse--until fate or destiny, or whatever B.S. has against me, karma, you name it. Has made the ultimate decision in creating a worse situation for me that even I'm not sure I can handle at this point.

But it's been almost three weeks, since I last saw Sabrina. I don't want her around me, I'm trying to piece things up together, but my mind is still in a blur. She told me afterwards, when I forced her out onto the porch, that Logan was doing terrible. I told her to console him, but she found it was weird now, considering that Logan was her uncle, Victor her father, and me as her mother. And the possibility of me giving birth--I don't remember ever doing so. I mean, there was a lapse in time when I couldn't remember what had transpired between me and my lifespan. I couldn't remember certain years, I thought I was sixteen, maybe I wasn't? Maybe I was older.

I swivel standing at the mirror, admiring my skinny form. I looked older, I appeared older than maybe I originally thought? I placed my hands on my hips, maybe I could've given birth? I turn sideways, imagining a pregnant belly almost the size of a watermelon. Maybe I could--no, she couldn't be mine! Her blonde hair was fake, I knew that from the very beginning, only because it's a type of dye that bleaches the hair, then adds more yellow in the mix. I knew that--or at least I thought I did.

But now looking back on it, I realizing that we could have the same hair color, not the same eyes, but the same shape of cheekbones, nose, eye shape. It was beginning to add up inside my mind, and I wasn't sure exactly how to cope.


"That's you're price?" I asked, Matiko the demon-shaman is standing at the end of my bed when I return from bathroom down the hall. I stand in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe, contemplating on the deal that he has just proposed to me. I like the idea, but I had tried the spell from Wanda once, how could I be sure it would work again?

"Yes, that is my price." He nods, his black hair falling into his red eyes. I blinked, crossing my arms, pursing my lips into a thin line. It sounded almost too easy. "You'll turn them into ashes, in return all I've got to do is give up ever falling in love with Logan? How can I be sure that this will work, how can I trust you with this?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Think of this as a payment for saving you're life a few weeks back." His upper lip curled back into a grimacing smile that gave me the chills coursing down my spine. I rolled my eyes, then glanced towards the window, behind Matiko.

"All I have to do is accept the terms, and then that's it?" He nods, "Yes, that's it. You'll be free of the chains of love that bind you to him."

"Well, why didn't the hate spell work for Wanda?" Matiko merely shrugs his shoulders, "Because my dear, love conquers all." Nodding my head, I bite my lower lip, dropping my arms, as I sag my shoulders in defeat. I had to be rid of loving Logan once and for all, I just couldn't deal with the fact that I was still in love with him. My heart had betrayed me, whether it was against his will or not. He had murdered me, and I would have a hard time forgetting that incident.

"Do you accept the terms, Francesca?" Matiko asked, glancing at my slumped form. I could only nod before whispering in a soft voice. "Yes." Tears stained my swollen cheeks, as I clutched at my chest, clawing at the new heart as I felt it shrivel up and die inside my body. I threw back my head, and screamed as I collapsed to my knees.

Gasping in a breath, after it was done, I bent forward, leaning against the doorframe for support. "Is it done?" I whispered, too afraid to speak up, even though I heard footsteps echoing in the mansion as my friends ran to my aid.

"Yes, my dear. The deed is done. The price fits." I felt my vision go blurry, then I collapsed into darkness.

The End!

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