Chapter 81: The Ugly Truth

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Francesca's POV

"Wow, so he really did kill you then--didn't he?" Angel shook her head, her wings fluttering against the breeze as we stood outside. "Yeah, he did."

"And you haven't seen him in a week?" I shook my head, biting my lower lip. It had been a week since the battle that Angel had finished off for us mutants. I hadn't gone back to Charles' Xavier institute, nor had I really stuck around the long-house. Both had brought back too many awful memories that I really didn't feel the need to resurface anytime soon.

"No--I've kept my distance. Let him think I'm dead, he'll get over me, like he got over his wife." I'd only recently found out that Logan indeed had had a wife, that he lost in the very first battle when he'd rescued Scott and a few others from my grandfather's laboratory. Apparently that runs in the family, creating evil labs, then trying to take over the world, sort of thing.

"I don't know if I could do that, if he were my true love. I'd let him know that I was alive and healthy." Angel's white wings flapped against a current that came from the south, sending a couple of her feathers to float down on the sidewalk. We were walking back from just going window shopping, and heading to Wanda's new mansion.

We stepped up on the porch, and opened up the door. "Wanda, we're back!" I called out, I felt more at peace here, even if some of the mutants declared themselves 'evil'. "Hey guys, come here for a second!" We walked into the main living room, and I stopped dead in my tracks. The little blonde haired witch was sitting with her hands folded on her lap, and looking like she was mourning the loss of someone deeply to her.

"What do you want?" Angel asked, getting ready to step in front of me. I touched her shoulder and she backed down. Wanda sat beside the blonde haired witch, as she began to tremble. "What are you doing here Sabrina?" She bit her lower lip, before glancing at Wanda. "It's okay, she needs to know."

"I need to know what?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest, narrowing my eyes as I did so. "Matiko--he came to me in a vision last night. He told me something terrible." She shuddered, met my gaze, then looked away as if I had the plagued or something.

"Okay, and that's terrible because--?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I glanced sideways at Angel and she merely shrugged her shoulders. "I can't do this..." Sabrina trailed off, standing up heading towards the door. Wanda held up her hand, motioning for her to sit back down. The guys were luckily at the arcade, so they wouldn't be hear to listen into some girl talk.

Girl talk made me think of Skylar, and how she was doing. It made my heart clench and my stomach twist into a knot. I missed her, she was like a second sister to me, regardless that she'd lived longer than any of us besides, Logan, combined. I missed them both, but I wasn't sure who I would even think to miss the most in situations such as these.

"Sabrina, she needs to know. She has the right to know." Wanda coaxed her to sit back down, and she did so, though she looked about ready to run away at the last second. "But how can I be sure that what the demon shaman said is true? This has to be some mistake." Sabrina begged, though Wanda only stroked her fake yellow hair. The roots on top of her hair were beginning to show a little bit of dark brown, looking almost black.

"And what mistake did he say?" I asked, feeling myself growing impatient with the need to know. Sabrina steeled her gaze and we locked eyes. She sucked in a deep breath then said with a tremble in her body. What she said made my knees grow weak, the blood pounding in my eardrums, and almost had me fainting on the spot. Let me tell you, I'm not the fainting sorts.

"I'm you're daughter."


Haha, you didn't see that one coming did you!?!? Mwahaha!!!! I feel so evil now :)

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