Just a Dream

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He had heard about speakeasies and played at them many, many times before. He even danced here with a lovely little robot named Malfunction years ago. Emerald eyes glowed with the candles rooted to sconces and lanterns dangling above wooden tables and floors. A dancing area took up the expansive center of the room just before a stage with parted crimson curtains. In the center stood a three man jazz band who crooned and swayed to their songs. His pupils widened at the area in elation, wanting to break in his new form and test out the legs. He had danced many times in his life and knew how to cut a rug, but that was when he was a metal man. The floor was occupied by couples who appeared to be glistening shadows beneath the dim lighting. Smiles and glitter and glamour were all that appeared before him as they moved to the beat.

His dark heels clicked on the wooden floor, the soft jazz notes playing over his shoes and melding with the chitter chatter of the speakeasy. Women were dressed to the nines as well as the men, including himself. He caught a quick glimpse of himself in the bar's glass cabinet – a tall, lanky man clad in an ebony pinstripe suit with an ivory tie with a wide brimmed, black hat. He grinned confidently and snickered softly at how it reminded him of his old silvery frame. The spine was gone, the protruding shimmering forms emerging from his internal vertebrae no longer exited. He wasn't sure whether to keep that excitement to himself or use it for fuel to make this the best time of his life.

Glistening glasses and bottles of wine and spirits looked over him, tempting him especially in the hands of beautiful women seated at the bar. He could drink now. While he wasn't initially drawn to alcohol (other than when he jokingly asked for a whiskey during their wild west skit prior to "Rex Marksley"), he never did drink as The Spine. He only drank water and sometimes oil and black coffee; the coffee made him feel closer to humanity, even if it would stick to his internal cogs at times. He didn't have to attempt to grasp at humanity anymore and this made his mind race with possibilities. Each new thought of opportunity unraveled through his mind and trickled through his pale frame with a warmth of knowing he had the power to do things he always desired.

The bar was speckled with couples and easily sliding into a space, he eyed the beverages before him. Wines whose names he couldn't pronounce, rum from the Southern seas, vodka from distant lands. The options bore themselves to him like a thousand opened books and he knew he couldn't be so easily tempted. He had to go slow, he had to take his time and understand what he was dealing with.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed a rather lonesome woman sitting at the edge of the bar. Her eyes were distant, as though she had been to this place a million times and it never fazed her. Silver shimmered along her skinny frame, topped with pearls and a soft set of lips.

"Two champagnes – one for me and one for the lady at the end of the bar." The Spine called to the barkeep who nodded and happily informed him drinks were on the house.

Champagne is an excellent ice breaker because it's fruity and light. It's a test drink to see what the other person can handle and how far they can go. It's also a drink of romance or so The Spine had recalled from those old movies and commercials when a man would present the drink to his partner. Besides, the woman looked like a delicate thing who would probably break from the strength of vodka or ther mere scent of Sambuca. Those drinks could also be seen as coming on too strong which was something The Spine wanted to avoid.

Offering him the drink, The Spine took it – the chilled glass in his fingers sent a mild chill up his spine and his smiled as he sipped it. His emerald eyes watched through half lids as the barkeep ventured to the silvery clad woman who eyed the drink suspiciously before gazing at the sender. The Spine raised his glass to signify he had gifted the drink and she smirked rather coyly and nodded. Taking that as his cue to join her, he wasted no time in meeting her at the end of the bar.

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