33~Tiny Tears (LAST CHAPTER)

Start from the beginning

"Oh really? Honeymoon sex?" Justin asks and I nod quietly allowing him to strap Jacob into his seat the right way. "And where would we go?" He asks looking way more serious than he should right now.

"I don't mind. As long as it's us." I don't specify whether Jacob would be there or not because I don't quite know when this wedding will be. All I know is that at the moment I can't imagine a day without him so the chances of me leaving him for my honeymoon or slim. I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

"Let's go then." Justin smiles grabbing the handle of Jacobs car seat and holding his hand out for me to take as I slide from the bed with a wince. Justin and I walk down the hallway hand in hand thanking the nurses and doctor which have helped us so much over the last few months. Justin held onto Jakey as we headed towards the elevator at the end of the hallway, guarded by two security guards. "We're leaving through the back entrance, hopefully nobody will see anything but just incase there's a blanket to put over Jake's seat." Justin smiles and I can only nod quietly all of this sudden movement making my head ache with tiredness.

I yawn nodding my head as we enter the elevator and go down to the lower ground floor accompanied by one of the nurses. Apparently this is part of the staff car park and I'll forever be grateful for making this so easy for us. As soon as were down in the lower ground car park Jacob started to squirm and whine in his seat and I can't help but coo and want to just squish him into me. But we were literally about to get in a car so I don't think that's possible. Justin fits Jacobs car seat in the right way and lets me climb into the seat beside him too.

"I think if there are any paparazzi I might need a blanket too. I feel so shitty." I grumble as Justin pecks me on the lips quickly. He kind of had a strop earlier because he wanted to take us home from the hospital himself. Said it was a 'normal' thing to do but Hugo kinda advised him together. People knew I'd had the baby and were wanting pictures. It was ridiculous and to be honest and just frustrating that we couldn't have one moment just us as a family. It was something we both got over quite quickly, at this point I honestly just wanted to go home.


Luckily we got out of the hospital quickly and ended up at home in under a half hour. I spent the entire ride hushing Jacob who was beginning to get whiny making me think that maybe it was time for food. Little baby would just have to wait a little while though, he still had some of his family to meet and to be quite honest I was terrified.

What if Esther or Phil didn't react well to him? I don't even know what I'd do if that was the case. As soon as Justin opened the door beside Jacob I reached to undo the little tiny straps holding him in place. "What are doing?" Justin asks looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm just gonna hold him whilst we get inside. I don't want him getting scratched or nipped by the dogs." I say shyly biting down on my lower lip.

"Babe nothing's gonna happen it'll be fine." Justin smiles and I glare at him uneasy about the whole situation. Justin looks at me for a long moment and I pout softly in his direction. "Okay fine, but I'm holding him whilst you get out the car, you're sore enough as it is." He hums as I smile thanking him quietly.

I shuffle out of the car, huffing several times as I step down and stretch out. Everybody always tells you about the pain when you're actually giving birth but nobody actually tells you about the pain after? I mean...Christ I swear I was like half paralysed until yesterday. It's just a constant ache down there. It's really not fun at all.

I reach out my hands for Jacob and Justin hands his wriggling body over to me winking at me causing me to blush immediately. As soon as he's settled upright against my chest Justin reaches for the tiny hat on his head and steals it. "What are you doing?" I gasp reaching to grab the hat back.

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