24-"Hate You"

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Time passed in a blur and suddenly it's the 18h of December and I'm looking for christmas presents in a complete shitty mood because I've now been doing this for three days. Justin and I had been so busy shopping for things for marshmallow and christmas decorations I'd forgotten to actually buy presents for everybody. Thus meaning I've been shopping for the last 3 days trying to ship everything out to where it has to be before it's too late.

It was also a complete problem since I had still to buy Justin a gift and well, what do you buy the guy who has everything? He had been at several appearances over the last few days spending time in Miami, Georgia and NYC and doing a few performances but it just gave me more time to think about what I could possibly buy him. However he got home in two hours and Im still no further forward.

I looked down at my feet huffing at the fact I had flat shoes on and they were still sore. My feet feel so swollen and sore all the time It never feels great to move around. My boobs have also been too sensitive and seem to be getting bigger everyday. My bump had grown a rediculous amount in the last 3 weeks and suddenly I needed new clothes I could no longer get away with stealing Justin's shirts as my own. It kinda sucks to be honest since I'm yet to find cute and comfy maternity clothes. I guess you could say I'm not loving pregnancy too much.

I already bought Justin some Yeezy clothes and shoes along with a little baby onesie which had 'I love my Daddy' in little yellow letters on the front (it actually almost made me cry) and some underwear (for me), which was technically a present for both of us considering I'd be the one wearing it. I had little pieces but I had no clue what else I could buy him. It was all just small things and I'd feel bad giving him so little when I know for a fact he's been so organised with my gifts.

I'd considered getting the interior of one of his cars redone or one of them repainted but he'd already done them all, he gets sent all the latest electronics and already has several hover boards and two iPhones (I mean who needs 2 phones?). There's really nothing I can buy only things which have meaning behind them. And I am the most uncreative person in history which doesn't help there at all.

Sighing I decided it was probably best to just go home and relax ready for when Justin comes home.

I walked out of the shopping mall quietly one of Justin's bodyguards quietly following me. There'd been a few incidents over the last week of paparazzi being there for me. It was slightly terrifying and the most stressful three minutes of my life going through the small mob without Justin. Nothing has really been confirmed about Justin's relationship or mine so every media outlet was going crazy trying to find out more and be the first to know the ins and outs of our relationship and our baby. It's strange having people follow you with cameras because of one single aspect of your life but I try not to think about it too much otherwise it simply stresses me out.

"Here let me grab those." Mikey said from behind me obviously seeing my slight struggle with my bags.

"Thanks." I murmur shyly as a reply. I watch as he unlocked the car and shoved some of my bags neatly into the trunk, he even opened the door for me to get in. I felt like I was being chauffeur driven around and it was both a good feeling and a bad. "I'm sorry for wasting your time, being with Justin would probably be a lot more exciting right now."  I smile softly setter my words, I honestly did feel bad which is why I told Justin it was a ridiculous idea but he was so apprehensive to leave if I didn't have somebody here for me when I go out.

"It's okay, I actually like staying in one place for a while." I laugh at his words agreeing quietly. It was nice not to be all over the place, after New York I'd barely left Beverly Hills and it was nice knowing I didn't have to be anywhere. Although we were going to Canada in two or three days to spend Christmas with Justins family and friends. I was slightly terrified since the first time I'd be meeting everybody I would be six months pregnant with Justins baby and most likely grumpy but I guess there's nothing I can do.

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