Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"My precious baby girl. Look how much you have grown."

"M-mom?" Mei said hesitantly.

"Hi, sweetie," her mom said with a smile. "I'm so happy to see you are in good health." Mei couldn't find the words; her throat had closed up tightly. Standing before her was her real mom, and Mei didn't know how to react. "I understand your shock, Mei. But I have a lot to tell you in such a short amount of time. I need you to listen to me, Mei." Mei nodded, still not trusting herself to speak. Her mom smiled gently at her, her eyes shining brilliantly.

"Get on with it woman," Ryou growled impatiently.

"Mind your manners," Mei's mom snapped at him. Turning towards Mei, she took a deep breath. "I know you know we came from a different world, the Demonic world. We have watched and saw Osamu has once again summoned Certo to this world."

"What do you mean 'once again'?" Mei asked.

"Osamu summoned him from the very beginning," Mei's mom answered. "Osamu was Emperor hundreds of years ago. He learned about the Demonic world through legends and fairy tales passed down since ancient times. It was there he learned about Certo. Once he figured out how, he summoned Certo and he was finally able to cut open the portal leading into our world. He entered it, and asked us to aid him in his world, claiming his land was in civil war. The king at the time thought it would be good for others to know of our existence, so he obliged. We followed Osamu back to this world, and that's when hell broke loose. He commanded Certo to close the portal, and then he started to slaughter us, as if we were livestock. He was after the divine power of the demons; the power of a Pureblood princess. But Osamu could not find it. Mei, you know of the part where he drank your grandfather's blood right?"

"And gained immortality," Mei said, grimly nodding her head.

"Osamu did so in order for him to live long enough to find that power. Using research, Osamu invented the drug that tracked every woman and basically made her give birth. It enhances the genes inside of the body and produces girls, using the father's traits already inside of the women. Osamu murdered your father Mei. He murdered all of the male demons when they were no longer needed. Osamu went through thousands of demons, but could not find the princess he was looking for. When Osamu came to me, he handed me the drug and ordered me to take it. I refused, and I was threatened by him. He said if I did not take the drug, he would rape me to make me have a child. I did not want to be touched by a human, so I had no choice but to take the drug. That's when I found Ryou. When I realized I was pregnant, I knew I was in trouble. I could feel you Mei, the power you were giving off was amazing. I had to keep you safe from Osamu. In order to protect you, I escaped with Ryou. Osamu found out, and had us tracked down. Ryou and I stayed near the village of Irailia. I hid there, patiently waiting to give birth to you. Osamu was furious he couldn't find me, so that's when he made the drug a worldwide thing; every woman would have to take it and hand over their baby girl the drug created. You see, the drug would not completely affect humans. It would just simply make the woman have girls. But to a demon, the drug was capable of the Pureblood lineage, and if you have some Pureblood in you, then it enhanced it. I was one of the few who had the Pureblood lineage in me. You, Mei, are the true heir to the Pureblood lineage of the Desani house. Anyways, once I gave birth to you, I knew Osamu would be out looking for you. Ryou and I parted ways there, as I knew I had to find a safe place for you." Mei's mom turned and looked at Marzul and Rai, Mei's adoptive parents. Mei's mom smiled at them and turned back to Mei with tears in her eyes. "I found Marzul and Rai, and explained the situation to them. I was relieved when they took you in, despite of who you were. Hintani and Setski also accepted you without hesitation. After that, I fled Irailia. I couldn't draw attention to you Mei. You meant the world to me. Shortly after leaving, Osamu found me. He was enraged I no longer had you, so he cut my stomach open and removed all of my organs. As I bled to death, I saw Osamu squish my heart in his hand before I died. My death didn't matter to me; I knew you were safe. Ryou had heard of my death, and he went to search desperately for you."

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