Chapter 2

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Rose's POV

We finished up the lesson with Chris teaching me a few of the basic chords and asking me to write down a list of songs I might want to learn. I thanked Chris and left feeling kind of strange. I just felt different towards him.

I need to stop thinking about him and his beautiful brown orbs and soft dark brown-black locks and how- NOPE I NEED TO STOP! I sigh as I continue packing my school bag. It was the first day back from holidays so I felt kinda irritated with the world.

"YO ROSIE WE NEED TO GO!" My older brother Declan shouts.

Yeah I have a brother but to be more precise I have four older brothers. The oldest, Kian is in his last year of high school, he's kinda the smart one of the family but he was blessed with the looks of Niall Horan, then you have Kian's twin, my brother Lachlan who is really into sport, he got accepted into a prestigious sport college and he's really sweet and reminds me of Louis Tomlinson in a sporty way but looks exactly like Kian except Kian has green eyes while Lachlan has blue, then we have my brother Josh, he's a singer and an actor, he and his girlfriend are in all the plays at school and finally there is Declan, who is the most popular guy in the whole school, he has everyone on his side, he's in every club possible and cares for everyone who isn't on his bad side.

The only bad thing about my brothers are the fact that they are the most overprotective people you could ever meet. If a boy even smiles at me they glare at him and make me leave or if I wear shorts they try to get me to change, it's like they want me to go outside in a potato sack or something.

"Coming Dec!" I yell as I lift my bag onto my shoulder. I walk into the kitchen to see Kian and Lachlan are having a competition to see who can finish there ceareal first while Declan and Josh cheer them on. Normal morning in my house.

"I thought you said we had to go, Dec." I say as I see the time is 8:06 a.m.

"Yeah hang on!" He grins as the twins down the ceareal. They both smash their bowls down at the exact same time and burp in sync. Once again this is a normal morning in my house.

"Okay now we can go. I'll go grab the keys you guys and girl hop into the car so long." Kian smiles.

"SHOTGUN!" I shriek. They all groan. I smirk before hopping into the front seat.

"How does she win everytime...? It's like she can predict the future." Jake mutters.

"Yeah she's like a psychiatrist." Lachlan says. We all look at him in sync. Well except Kian who was driving so he shouted 'WHAT?!"

"My dear brother... it's psychic." Kian sighs.

"Ohhhhh.... haha yeah. Just testing y'all." He blushes a little.

We pull up to school in record speed with Lachlan and Declan in front of me while Josh and Kian were behind me. They always form a protective circle around me at school... it's so weird. I check the time seeing that it is 8:05 a.m. , School only starts at half past 8.

Luckily I spot my best friend Luna.

"Bye boys." I say.

"Where are you going?" Declan looks around.

"You're not meeting a boy right?!" Josh asks.

"Hell no... I'm going over to talk to Luna... Gosh." I walk towards Luna.

I watch them all split into their little groups and wander off.

"Hello my dear Luna!" I smile.

"Hi there Rose... Why are you so smiley this morning?" Luna asks.

"Oh no reason." I say.

"Oh damn... Rose... Rose..." Luna stutters.

"What?" I ask.

"Hey Rose!" Chris smiles brightly. His eyes shine in the sunlight as his black-brown hair shimmers.

"Hi Chris! How are you?" I say casually. I try not to freak out. Chris has never talked to me at school before, this new change caused a few stares as he smiled at me.

"I'm good. Have you written down any songs yet?" He asks.

"Uhh yeah... I could text you the picture...?" I say.

"Oh yeah... Hand me your phone." He smirks. I pass him my phone and soon types his contact in.

Chris :P

"Well text me your list. I'll see you around." Chris smiles.

"Bye." I smile.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Luna shrieks.

"Shh..." I hush her.

"Since when were you friends with THE Chris Lanzon?" She squeals.

"We aren't friends... He teaches me guitar." I say.

"Since when?" She asks.

"Since Thursday." I answer.

"That was five days ago!" She shrieks.

"I know it was just a trial." I say softly.

"You need to never quit... he's really hot." She says as she looks at Chris's walking figure. "How do your brothers feel about this?"

"They don't know." I say quietly.

"What? I didn't hear you." She smirks.

"They don't know!" I exclaim.

"Wow... are you gonna tell them that you are going over to a boy's house every week." She says. "Let me add a HOT boy."

"No... well at least not unless I want Chris dead." I say.

"That's true. Imagine you and Chris go out from this! Aww that's so cute... Imagine what Blake is gonna say about this new epidemic." Luna says. Blake is my best friend and my support system. He is one of the most popular boys in school.

"Speaking of the devil." I say as I see him behind Luna. Blake was definitely attractive with his structured jawline, bright smile, light green-blue eyes and blonde-brown hair.

"Sup Rosey." He smiles as he pulls me into a hug. My brothers are only cool with me being friends with Blake if we hang out with my brothers in the same room. It's annoying.

"Hey Blakester." I grin. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Extra cheerful I see. Luna what's up with her?" He asks Luna.

"Chris Lanzon." She smirks. Blake tilts his head in confusion. "He's teaching her guitar." She adds. He looks surprised and then he smirks.

"So little miss Rosey has a thing for Chris Lanzon." He smirks.

"No I don't. He's just sweet and cute but I don't like him like that. I barely know him." I say. The bell rings loudly causing me to jump.

"Come on Blake we have roll call together. Bye Luna!" I hug her goodbye and we walk to roll call together.


Lame I know....

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