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Hey, whatever they call you this new age,
We do have a lot of nicknames, I can't even gauge.
I do wonder if they still call you the same.
Why don't I bring back some of those names?

Hey Derick, do you still act like a kid sometimes?
Do you sluggishly do annoying things as you whine?
Is our dream of being a child in heart still true?
Do people still see the youth in your soul, do you?

Did you continue being active in your old school community?
Do you meet with the friends from primary, do they still party?
How are the kids, sister, cousins, your uncle and mom?
If anything did happen, can you say you still pressed on?

Hey Konrad, do you still have all those tiny dreams?
Ones we made in our teens, but changed us so it seemed.
Do we still bicker with Mathew and Melissa, have our tiny arguments?
Do you even talk with them everyday? Do make it permanent.

I do know that we still follow the one truth that we acknowledged,
Does June thirteenth still mean so much as it did in college?
Are we following the one dream of going full time for our calling?
Because, I know that if we didn't, it would forever be our longing.

Hey Henrick, we're adults right? Can I ask if you're married?
If you are, do we have kids, how many? Sorry if I seem hurried.
If not, how are you really, do you still smile passively?
I know we have accepted this, I know because you're me.

How's work, did we get into being full-time, are we there?
I'm praying that we are, if not, our reasons are they fair?
Have you given up on the frustrations we had taken up?
Please don't leave all the people we love, don't stop.

Hey you, I mean me, how has it been since you've been twenty five?
Wait, no spoiling please, I know there will be a lot of stuff, but are we alive?
Never mind that, I know our asthma still gives us torture daily,
And a bleeding nose is not that far, or have we lost them, maybe?

I can trust we took care of all the people we love at home,
And I know that there are no regrets in all the things we let go.
Are you still that same, silly soupish man, that I still am?
Even if we change, I do trust that our meds cause shaky hands.

I think I know that everything we'll have to do from here is hard,
But I trust that after thirty five years, we'll still have the heart,
The soul, and the mind to follow what we have put our trust in,
This is why I know that we, will make the most of each day we've been.


I would like to thank  DannyCepul and MissAlmostGrown (my two awesome siblings) for giving me the prompt "A letter to my 60 year old self". Do check out their works "It" and "She Scribbles" respectively, these two are truly amazing poets and I am proud of the both of them for their amazing works. 

To those who want to find encouragement and help through reading and poetry please check out TheLumieres profile, we have a collaborated work there called "Exiting Exulansis" filled with prose and poetry that give encouragement to all. Do check it out.

For any requests on poems, specific themes to be used, or even collabs, please don't hesitate to ask.
And please feel free to comment, criticize, and correct me if you want to.

To everyone who has stuck by my work until this point, I thank you so much!
Please wait for my next update! :)

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