Dean's Flannel

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Dean was on vacation with his family. Since little Sammy had been dying to see him. "Little Sammy." Dean always says. Sam always replys with "I'm not Little." And then his age. Which he is 16 now. This vacation leaves Cas alone in their dorm. Bored Castiel started looking through Deans stuff. Not snooping just examining. He finds Deans favorite flannel and picks it up. Holding it up to his face to smell. 'Smells like Dean.' He thinks. Breathing out slowly. A mix of his cologne and a scent Cas can only describe as Dean. Dean must of forgot it in the rush of packing. They really only told him the week before. Basically forcing Dean to cancel plans with Cas and his friends. Cas was upset at first but didn't fuss about it because Dean rarely sees his family. Dean was busy that week so he had to pack the night before. Its only been two days without Dean he shouldn't be so bored and lonely. Yet here he is. Sitting on Deans bed smelling his flannel. Cas sighs and puts it back. Shouldn't wear is boyfriends favorite flannel because if he ruins it he would probably get killed.
The next day Cas plays it safe and pulls on another of Deans flannels. He wears a different flannel everyday. The day that Dean gets back, he wore Deans favorite flannel because it was a Saturday and he had no plans. He showers about and hour or two before Dean should be home. When he gets out of the shower he pull just Deans flannel on. Figuring he could just pull some jeans on before Dean gets home. He just buttons the flannel and walks around the dorm. Tidying up the place.
He's busy putting some books back onto the shelf. As he reaches up, the shirt goes with it. Putting his ass on display. Which is great for Dean when he walks in. Letting out a low whistle. Castiel jumps and whips around. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Dean says. Cas doesn't notice the flannel slipping off his shoulder. He just blushes and stammers. "S-Sorry. I was going to change but I lost track of time." He says. Dean chuckles. "Well I like it." He says. "What?" Cas asks. Dean takes this as a "Please explain" kind of what not a "Really?" Kind of what. "Coming home to you in nothing but my flannel. Miles of skin showing." He says. Castiel blushes hard. Dean smiles and walks over to pull the shirt slipping from Cas' shoulder back up. "You look hot." Dean says. "Oh..." Cas says. Dean grins and kisses him. "Fuckin' sexy." He adds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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