When you're ready

When you're ready come and get it

Na na na na

I open my eyes to see Demi in shock and her jaw opened and i come out of the booth " whats wrong?" she shakes her head and pulls me close " you were dancing all sexy and i.... i wanted to come and get... it " she says and i shove her playfully.  "your so silly" 

After a few more hours recording putting finishing touches on all the songs Demi and I go back home since she has to be up sp early... We fall asleep so tired from the day.

<Next Morning>

Demis alarm goes off and i yawn " Babeee" shes not up yet... ughhh.. " i get on top of her and shake her " Ryan Secreast babe!" Demi sits up pushing me off her " i knowwww! " demi kisses my cheek and i lay back in bed... after a while i feel someone jump on me " SELENA GET UP NOW" ... i sit up never hearing her so urgent before " SOMEONE LEAKED HEART ATTACK" she screams keeping her eyes on the laptop " Seriously how long ago??" she points the the scream and i read all the tweets of lovatics saying how happy they are " around sometime last night " she  says then sighs and i kiss her forhead " just realese it tonight then babe " i say and she shrugs " ya i guess... " Demi gets up and starts to get dressed when her phone rings and i put it on speaker " hey phil " i say and he is quite for a second " selena? " .." yeah its me demi is getting dressed for Ryan today " i say and he sighs with relif " good... Heart attack got leaked and ryan was wondering if he could play the final copy on the show" .." YES!" demi screams from the closet " she said yes and she also wants to realese it tonight " i say " okay good... ill set it up bye girls " i hang up the phone and Demi is finally dressed " okay babe im out... listen in?" she asks and i nod kissing her lips " see you later beautiful.... nice hat btw!" i say and she giggles leaving the front door.

Demi POV

I enter the Studio and Ryan hugs me " DEMI! Its so good to see you!" " its good to see you to ryan" i sit down at the mic and we talk for a while before we go on air " ready?" he asks and i nod " Good morning we are On Air with ryan secreast this morning with the beautiful Demi Lovato! " he says and everyone claps " Helloooo!" " so demi first thing first ... your new song heart attack got leaked! how do you feel about it!"..." well at first i was bummed but then i thought of the bright side how everyone is so excited about it that they leak it.... i just hope they buy it now... but in the end the only thing that matters is people listening to my music which is happening " i say smiling and he nods  " thats a great point of view...did you leak it yourself?" he asks and i giggle " No! omg if it was me i would put the actual version not the recording of a recording that sounds weird and low quality" he laughs " nice cover up "  i roll my eyes and laugh shoving him " Now were going to play the premier of Demi Lovato's new single Heart attack!!!!"  the song starts and immediatly start dancing around in my chair jamming out hard ... even girls in the both are singing and i give her a high five threw the glass " funniest sight ever ... demi lovato dancing with a cane and a broken foot... how did you break it anyways? " i look down and laugh " welll my roommate wanted to clean the floor and she cleaned it with pledge which makes it slippery and i went to get a popscicle and i slipped.. hard " i say laughing thinkning about Selena how she was cleaning the floors with pledge... oh selena she felt horrible afterwards.... he laughs and says " i guess she got kicked out" i gasp and shake my head " nah it was an accident" ..." so our worker tara here was jamming hard to heart attack. " she puts her mic on " ive been listening to it all night and i already know the words its amazing! " i smile " thank you ! that means so much " she gives me a thumbs up and i turn back to ryan " so who is the song about Demi?"he asks and my eyes go wide .. " well that escalated quickly... ryan you know i dont like talking about my relationships... i share so much with the world that i like to keep this part private " i say as i do in every interview " so its wilamer " he says seriously and i laugh " Nooo not going to say anything Ryan!" he laughs and says " alright alright .... well that was the amazing beautiful demi lovato you can buy her new single Heart attack soon as it officially comes out and her New Self titled album DEMI coming in march " i say bye and he turns off the mics... i give ryan and his crew hugs and say bye heading straight home cause all i want to do is get in bed with Selena.... i park the car and walk up to the door " BABE IM.....home" i get suprised bye Selena on the couch with .... Justin. " hey babe... she says getting up and hugging me " hey justin " i say trying to keep calm " hi demi " god this is so damn akward " so what brings you around here?" i say and he sits up on  the edge of the couch "  i just wanted to talk to Selena about her coming to a show of mines too keep the story up for the press... but i was just about to go sooo ill see you ladies later... bye demi.... bye selena, hope you think about it " justin says and he walks out the door " what was that about " i say starting to go up stairs to get into comfy clothes and Selena follows me " nothing just about the show" i nod knowing she is hiding something ... i close the closet door and change my clothes getting into bed " babe are you ok?" she asks me and i shrug... Selena trys to put her arms around me but i move closer to my side of the bed and she gives up " okay good night dem."... i dont say anything " i listened to the interview.... you were awesome.. " i close my eyes and ignore her then she walks out the bedroom so i fall asleep trying to figure out what is up with her and justin.

The Secret Life of Delena- Demi Lovato & Selena GomezWhere stories live. Discover now