Messed up chapter

17 2 7

*in the meeting area*

Me: *pounds hands on the table* Listen up soldiers! Today we're going to answer some questions whether you like it is not!!! Got it?!!

Everyone except Liu & Slender Bros: Yes ma'am!!!

Liu: B-But-

Me: - No buts at else I'll kick your butt!!

Liu: ... ;^;

Offendy: Sooooo~ what's the question?

Jeff: This better be worth it! -,-

Me: Oh, it's worth it alright! >:3

Everyone: *facepalm/faceless facepalm*

Me: *grabs paper* this question is from my dear friend FroggyGirl28

Question: What are your weaknesses?

Me: *reads again like I don't understand a thing* *understands it* Ohhhhhhhh!!! This is going to be fun! >:3

Everyone: Nuuuuuu!!!! ;^;

Me: *laughs insanely* hahahahaHAHAHAAHA!!!

Dr. Smiley: You're also gonna answer this you know!

Me: Wait... Oh, riiiight ^-^.... *falls on her knees and screams to the sky* Noooooooooooo!!!! Ilovesusages!!!! Nooooooo!!!!

LJ: The hell's wrong with her?

EJ: No one knows....

Jeff: Okay answers guys!!!

BEN: *sighs*.... It's.....

Everyone with eyes: O.O....

BEN: It's....Water & Nutella...

Me: Sally... Are you thinking what I'm thinking... >.>

Sally: Game controllers covered with Nutella and water...? Yes... <.<

Me & Sally: *grabs BEN's arms and legs* WE'RE BUSY BAIII!!!!


Jeff: Well... That happened... Who's next?! You! *points at LJ*

LJ: *points at self* who me?

Jeff: Yes you! You stole the cookie from the cookie jar! :D

Liu: Wait, isn't that a nursery rhyme?

Jeff: well.. Yeah

Liu: OMG!!! Jeff you still remember!!!!!!OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! *squeals with joy* 🙌

Jeff: NOO!!! NO! I SHOULDN'T!!!! I AM INSANE!!!!!! NOOOOO!!! ;O;

Slendy: And that, my friends, is his weakness

LJ: Well my weakness is.... Uneaten candy.... WellOkayWhosNext?!

Toby: F-Fair enough

Masky: How about you, boss?

Slendy: wha- me?!

Trendy: Are you deaf, brother? Of course you!

Offendy & Splendy: *snickers* :3

Slendy: Shut your mouth you nitwits!

Splendy: *snickers* okay, okay. We'll stop c:

Slendy: Okay... My weakness is... Ms. Slenderina


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