+ Chapter Twelve +

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Chapter Twelve

+ Evan's P.O.V +

It was very dark, that's all I could really state to describe the unknown abyss that surrounded me, my footsteps being the only sound that filled my ears as I continued to walk around in searching for any source of life, this is so weird.

"I see you've already forgotten about me." A misery filled voice pierced through the silent air causing me to shutter at its harsh and sudden tone, "what? Who are you?" I questioned while still trying to match a person to the voice, "I knew it." They responded as the area seems to lighten up a little and the person stepped forward, and that's when my eyes widened with shock, "B-brock? Where have you been?" I gasped while walking up to him quickly, "I was so worried, I was going to look for you but Jonath-"

"But Jonathan said it's fine and that I understood? Heh, typical." Brock scoffed while stuffing his hands into his pockets and looking away from my confused gaze, "I'm so conf-,"

"Confused? Yeah you should be." Brock cut me off again and then glared at me, "Jonathan is a liar, a cheat, and he's only being nice to you because he want's what I own." I tilted my head as the other male continued talking about my friend in a crude manner, "May I ask, how did he act on the first day oh school huh?" Brock asked with an unsatisfied tone.

"Well when I fist saw him, he seemed mad slightly, and he wouldn't really take off his hood to show us his face." I mumbled while still trying to understand what he was talking about, "you see Evan, the way he acted that morning is how he naturally is, why cant you see that his friendship with you and your other friend (Tyler) is all a joke and a lie!" Brock loudly scolded while getting right up in my face, "He's never liked you, all he want to do is claim yo-"

"Shut the fuck up!" suddenly snapping I pushed the male away from me and looked down to the ground, "Jonathan is my friend, and if your just jealous cause we are close. Then you can just get out of my life completely." As I said that Brock lightly chuckled while sighing and running his hands frustratingly through his hair, "Evan it's not like that, I'm not jealous of that mutt, I'm just telling you that his not faithful and is not an honest person,"

"How do you know that he's not an honest person huh?" I argued back while Brock shook his head in disbelief, "okay well, he lied to you just this morning huh, you know, with him telling you that I went to his place and we discussed about it and I said I was apparently okay with you and I breaking up." What Brock was saying, was all correct, ".... so that means Jonathan actually lied to me?" I hurtfully said while looking up at Brock while he nodded, "he does tha-"

"It was for your own good Evan, I didn't want you to be upset over that dimwit." Jonathan suddenly entered the area and Brock snarled at his image, "yeah right." Brock mumbled under his breath and I turned around to face Jonathan, "why did you lie to me, why?" I said while Jonathan shamefully gazed at me, "I hated seeing you upset..."

"You know he's the cause we broke up, I left last night because of him." Brock said and I looked at them with hurt, "Ev-" Jonathan stammered out, "honestly you two are just as bad as each other, I'm so confused. I feel as if so much shit has been happening behind my back." I didn't even understand this whole situation. Grumpily I started walking away from the two males that were calling for me to come back and listen to their stories.

Of course I ignored them and continued to walk into the unknown lands.

"Hey Evan."

A new voice filled the atmosphere, It was Tyler, I could obviously tell. His voice was just so clear compared to the others.

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