+ Chapter Eleven +

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Chapter Eleven

+ Evan's P.O.V +

Waking up I had my eyes burn to the instant touch of morning sun, "ssk, fuck I thought I closed those." Getting up groggily from my bed I approached the dark brown curtains and tugged them shut "may as well get ready." I sighed while looking over to my bed.

Empty? Gazing around my dark room I noticed that it seemed to be missing a lot of items including the man that should've been resting by my side, "Brock?" I said and grabbed the sheets, tugging them away from the bed, all to expose no sleeping body, "huh?"


Snapping my head up to a sudden knocking on my front door I looked over to the digital clock on my bedside table, seeing that the time was only 6 am it made me curious to whose at my door, "oh, it must be Brock, he could've gone out to get breakfast."

I approached the wooden frame I opened the door and smiled while greeting what I thought was Brock, this mood was cut off when I noticed the man at my door, "heyo Evan, ooh cute boxers, is that Batman I see around your crotch?"

His finger swirled in front of the area where the fabric held a cartoon batman.

Gasping and covering my body up with my hands I growled at the crouching teen, he had his head right at 'blowjob' level, "Jonathan what the fuck are you doing here!?" scolding him I saw the male get up and step inside the house.

"Just felt like comin over that's all." Jonathan shrugged and scanned my body in an overly obvious manner, "at 6 a.m." I growled while shutting the front door and walking to my room, still trying to cover up as much of my bare body as I could, Jonathan followed me to my room of course.

"Where's Brock?" A smug chuckled escaped his lips as he said that, sighing I remembered that I am still unaware of where my newly broken off other was, "I don't know." Jonathan took a seat on my bed as I grabbed my clothes for today and headed to the bathroom, placing the needed items on the vanity I went back into my bedroom and pointed at the other male.

"You sit and stay, don't get up until I get out of the shower, okay?" Using my best dominant voice I could muster I saw Jon simply nod, that was easier than it thought, turning away from him I heard that sly comment I was expecting, "but what if I want to join you?"

"Stop being gay-"

"You're the gay one here remember?" I clenched my jaw as he said that, spinning around and facing him again I shot glares at the devious male,

"Shut up."

"Then let me join."


He started to get up and I sternly pointed my finger at him again, "STAY!" he seemed to cower and sit back down on my bed, "Good boy." I cheered and quickly petted his head then ran back into the bathroom to have my nice morning shower.

I just treated my friend like a dog.

What the hell Evan?

- *SpongeBob narrator voice*  fifteen minutes later –

It was peaceful under the water as per usual, getting out of the tiled area and feeling the cold air hitting my still not dried skin sent chills down my spine, as I entered my room I shook my damp hair then wrapped a small towel around the thin raven fuzz, scrubbing it like a mad man I heard a shuffle, glancing up I saw Jonathan patiently siting on my bedside observing me once again.

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