Chapter Twelve: Run. Now.

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Peppermint maid opens the small door and some stairs form. She looks around the basement one more time, then walks down the stairs.
She sees you tied up and blind folded, laying on the bed. "Y/N! I'm so glad I found you!" Peppermint maid yells and rushes over to you. But, you're still out cold because of the drug Gumball gave you. She realizes this when you don't answer her, or even acknowledge someone is in the room.
"Shit.. I don't think I can carry him.." Peppermint maid says to herself and sighs. She isn't strong enough to pick you up all by herself, and she can't ask a banana guard to help because they'll tell Gumball. She pounders over what she could do for a minute.
"I'm sorry Y/N... I'll have to come back for you in a couple hours." She kisses your forehead and hugs you tightly, before she goes back up the stairs. She looks at you one more time, then she closes the door and makes sure there is no trace that she had been there.
A couple hours later
Peppermint maid has been loading Gumball up with a lot of paper work and tasks for helping his citizens do many different things. It should keep him busy for at least two hours. It would take a normal person twice as long, but Gumball usually gets his things done early. So, Peppermint has to hurry if she doesn't want to get caught.
She runs down to the basement, moves the rug, and pulls up the loose floor board pieces. She quickly opens the door and walks down the stairs.
"Go away Gumball..." You groan.
"Its me, Peppermint maid Y/N." The red and white haired woman says as she walks towards you.
"How do I know it's really you?" You ask, not really trusting what she is saying. Peppermint maid pulls off your blind fold and makes you look at her.
"Now do you believe me? We don't have much time. We need to get going. Now." She pulls out a small knife and cut the rope and duck tape off of your hands.
"How did you find me?" You asks as you clench and loosen your hand for a minute as you regain feeling in them.
"I'll explain later. We don't have much time." She says as she is working on the rope and tape on your ankles.
After Peppermint gets all of the rope and tape off of you, she asks you to stand.
You hold onto the bed post and use it as a cane to stand. Both of your legs are asleep, and due to the drug slowly wearing off, your legs still feel like jelly. They start to wobble and you hold onto the bed post tighter.
"Can you walk?" She asks with concern writen all over her face.
"Yeah.. Just, um, give me a minute." You say with a reassuring smile and a light chuckle.
Soon, you regain all feelings in your legs. You two run upstairs and put everything back into its place so Gumball doesn't become suspicious.
Peppermint maid grabes your arms and leads your through some hidden entrances and exits to get out of the castle and the kingdom quickly. If you two are seen, it will ruin your chance to escape.
"He isn't going to find us? Right..?" A little shaking is noticeable in your voice. She stop and turns around to face you. She places one of her hands on your cheek and smiles softly.
"Everything is going to be fine. You'll get out of here, Gumball will be thrown in prison, and you'll get Marshall back." Peppermint kisses your forehead, getting her red lip stick on your forehead. You whine a little and try to get it off.
"I'll get it off later; we need to keep moving." She turns back around and begins walking quickly again.
You two are walking in a long, dark, dirty, hallway under the castle. No more words are spoken between the two of you after that.
You open your mouth to say something to break through the silence, but suddenly Pep stops.
"What's wrong?" You tilt your head to the side in question.
"Shhh." She puts her finger up to your lips and you huff.
"Do you hear that?" She whispers.
"Hear what?" You furrow your brow in confusion.
Peppermint's eyes seem to buldge out of her candy skull and she looks like she has seen a ghost.
"We're being followed. We need to run. Now." She tightly grabes your wrist and you two both take off running.
Its clear that Peppermint maid wasn't thinking straight when she started running. She should have thought about this a little more and found a quiet escape. Because the person who is following the two of you starts running as well.
You turn around when you hear the person running. There is a glimse of light and you swear you saw something pink. You shake your head and focuse on running.
"Its all in your head Y/N. Its all in your head." You close your eyes as you repeat these words to yourself.
"Glob fucking dammit." Peppermint curses as she stops right before you two crash into the wall at the end of the hallway. You start having a panic attack.
"What are we going to do?!" You yell.
"Shut up! I'm thinking!" She yells back at you.
The person's foots steps grow louder as they catch up to you two.
Peppermint starts to panic as well. She then pulls out her spell book, and starts flipping through it quickly.
"Hurry!" You scream at her.
"Yelling doesn't make me go faster!" She yells back at you.
"There you two are! You're both coming with me!" Gumball yells as he gets close enough that he can almost grab your arm.
You start shaking and stare in Gumball's direction, frozen in fear.
Peppermint maid had made a portal to the underworld in a couple seconds once she found the page she needed. "Come on! Let's go!" She screams as she grabes your arm.
You are about to be pulled through the portal, but Gumball grabes your arm.
"You're not getting away this easily."
I updated! Whoo! Thank you all for the wounderful comments on the I'm sorry.. little thing I posted. I'm going to delete it because I want my book to be somewhat professional. But I do want to take screenshots of all the nice comments. Also, if any of you want/need a friend I'm here. I'm kind of lacking in the friend department, so message me if you're interested. Anyways, thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. If you have any advice, please give it.

Marshall Lee x Male! Reader [I'll Never Leave You]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon