Chapter Eight: What is going on?

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You open your eyes and see a soft pink ceiling. You immediately know you're back in the candy kingdom hospital. You sit up, but fall right back due to the intense pain coming from your head. You sigh and try to remember what made you end up here again, but your mind is blank. All you remember is being on the couch with Marshall.

A couple minutes later somebody walks through the hospital doors. You can't turn your head to see who is it without getting a painful throb in your head.

"Good, your awake." Gumball says leaning over you smiling. You smile back.

"Yeah, hey, my memory is fuzzy. Can you explain how I got here?" Gumball smiles and nods.

"Well, Marshall brought you here and said you had passed out. He was about to say something else, but he too passed out. The nurses did some test on the both of you, and it seems that you two have inhaled very large amounts of a very harmful, odorless, chemical." He says frowning. "Y/N, do you do drugs?" Gumball asks very concerned. You give him a look of disgust.

"Gumball, I wouldn't do drugs in a million years. I have no clue how I inhaled an odorless chemical. What is the chemical called?"

"We aren't sure the clinical name, but the side effects are what I'm worried about. The side effects range from seeing things that aren't there, insanity, coma, ect." He sighs. "Marshall and you haven't shown any side effects like that though. But we do need to keep you two here."

"So, you're saying I might die or go insane, or something like that?!"

"Yes and no. You did inhale large amounts of the chemical, but as much as I hate using 'magic', Peppermint maid had a friend of hers come and do 'magic' on Marshall and you. We aren't sure if it worked or not, but you're in a coma anymore." He says smiling sheepishly.

"Wait, I was in a coma!?!?" You yell.

"Calm down. It was only a couple weeks. Most of the chemical has left your body and your brain swelling had gone down. You might have temporary memory loss. Once you are able to lift your head again you are going to have to go through therapy for people with temporary memory loss."


"Yes, a coma happens when the brain swells, touches skull, bleeds, or large amount of toxins enter the body."

"I know what a coma is. I was thinking out loud. Hey, um, were is Marshall?" You ask a bit worried.

"He is in the room beside this one. He is still in a coma though." Gumball says frowning, but something seems off. His eyes don't resemble someone who is worried or sad. It almost as if he is happy? He notices the worry look on your face.

"Don't worry. He is in good hands." You hesitate and give him a nod. "You should get some more sleep." You nod and he smiles.

*A couple hours later*

You wake up to nurses running around and yelling.

"Hey, what is going on?" You ask worried. The nurses look at each other then back at you.

"Um.." One nurse says and runs to another room.

"Wait! Whats going on!" You yell, but all of the nurses run back and forth between the medical supplies in your room and the room beside you. Clearly to busy to speak with you.

You become worried and try to sit up. But, once again, you fall back down due to your headache. You see Gumball walking past and you call out to him. He stops and walks over to you.

"Yes, Y/N? I'm kind of busy right now." He says a little annoyed.

"Yeah, I know, but what's going on?" You ask and he frowns.

"I'm sorry, I'll tell you about this later." He says walking away to the room beside you.

A couple minutes later you hear a long, drawn out, beep.


Sorry this took forever to update, I say that a lot. XD This was supposed to be updated last weekend, but Wattpad wouldn't let me save or update changes or publish anything. Anyways thanks for reading my shitty book, if you have any advice please message me.


Marshall Lee x Male! Reader [I'll Never Leave You]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora