Chapter Nineteen

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She pulled herself back and looked up at me. "Your heart is racing as if you are having a heart attack." she said with a smile. I cupped her face with my hands. Her face grew serious as I leaned closer. "Alaric" she whispered, just as my lips met hers. I kissed her carefully, scared she'd run away again. But she didn't. "Alaric-" she said when I pulled away, but I cut her off again. "It's okay, I don't have to know why." She pursued her lips together.


She played with the words in her head, trying to find the right ones. "I can hear what any person wish for. What they want most of all in the entire world. I hear it if I listen, the heart whispers it." she said. I suddenly felt like I should hide somehow. I let go of her hands . She didn't look surprised. I just then realized what I'd done. "Wait, no-" I started, but she cut me off. "Don't worry, I knew it was coming." she said, sorrow toning her voice. Before I had time to react she escaped the room and I was left alone in the empty bed.

I couldn't help but feel exposed. She could her my deepest desires and she had been hearing it since the first time we met. I didn't even know what it was. Is it something she could have used against me? No. No, she wouldn't. I knew her and I knew she liked me the way I liked her. I rose from the bed and started pacing back and forth in the room.

This was exactly why she didn't want to tell me before. People must have reacted like this before. People must have hated her before because of what she was. And I promised her I wouldn't be like them. I had to find her and make this right. It didn't change anything to me. I'd never felt at home. I'd always been an outcast. A kid without a family. But with Brooklyn I did feel at home. I didn't feel like a nobody, I felt like we understood each other. She was home.

I stormed out of the room and ran down the hall, trying to find her. Where would she go? "Brooklyn!" I called as I ran into the library. Her head snapped up and she looked at me with teary eyes. Within a second I was beside her. I pulled her close and pursed my lips against hers. Brooklyn and I had never been very good with words and I tried to say everything I hadn't through the kiss. She seemed to do the same as she grasped my shirt with her hands and kissed me back. Our kiss turned the world to dust. When we finally unlocked our lips I pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Brooke." I whispered. She hugged me tighter. "It's okay." she whispered back. For a few seconds I couldn't do anything besides breathing her in and enjoy the feeling of having her in my arms.

"When we met, I heard your heart louder than any I'd ever heard before. It said home. All you wanted was a home. That's why I decided to help. Because that's all I wanted as well." she said. I held her out from me so I could see her. "But after a while at the institute it changed. And it scared me. No one has ever wanted me, in any way and then suddenly your heart..." she didn't have to finish the sentence. I already knew what she ment. My heart whispered about her. "That's why I pulled away. Don't get me wrong, I wanted you too, but it was scary..." she whispered. I smiled at her. "I knew you couldn't resist me." I said. Her mouth fell open, but then she smacked me and laughed. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all. We'll help Reza gather the other dragons and then we'll be free to do whatever." she said with a sweet smile on her lips. I smiled back at her. "As long as you won't go anywhere and stay with me, I'll get it done." I said. She smiled. "And when it's done. What will we do?" she asked and wrapped her hands around my neck. I grinned. "Well, hopefully we'll get a good sum for helping Reza," I started and made her laugh. "So we can use that to travel my world. Britain, India, Hawaii, Egypt, Norway, wherever we want until we find a good place." I continued, making it up as I went on. She giggled. "I have no idea what any of those places are like, but let's do it."

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