Chapter seven

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I looked surprised at the door Mrs. Thompson had stopped in front of. She had already shown Brooke into her room and was going to show me mine. The reason I was so surprised was that it came voices from inside the room. I looked at her. She smiled like a little girl and opened the door.


But I know I heard something. In fact, I could still hear it. The room wasn't big. It had four walls. The door took up most of the space on the first wall. On the second was a bed with curtains and a closet. On the third a window with a view over the huge garden and a desk beneath it. The last wall was covered with one huge bookshelf. It was full of books. That's where the voices came from. "Are the voices coming from the neighbor room?" I asked. She shook her head. I walked closer to the books. "The books." she said. I store at the back of the books. "Are the books talking?!" I whispered. I heard her laugh. "Yes. Not all books can talk, but these can. I'll leave you with them. Someone will probably let you know when it's dinner." she said. I didn't even hear the door close behind her. I was determined to figure out about these books.

"Did Mrs. Thompson leave?" One asked. It had a male voice. It reminded me of an elder man. A grandpa. "Yes, she did. But the boy is still here." a female voice said. She sounded like a grown up. A little bit strict. "My name is Alaric Moore." I said, as I studied the back of the different books. Seemed like the conversation had been between two books around the height of my head, closer to the door. One was red and was green. The colours were a little faded. "You went quiet now. Don't you talk to anyone?" I asked. "Not really?" said the green mail voice. I pulled out the two books. I almost expected them to have faces as well. They didn't. I put them down on the desk and sat down on the chair.

"Do you have names?" I asked. "No, we're books, smarty." The green said again. "Well, you should have. You," I said and pointed at the red. "You are Fiona and you Mr. grumpy and green, you are.... Charles." I said. They went quiet for  while. "What are you?" Fiona asked. "They think I'm a dragon." I said. Noises came from the bookshelf again. A beige book was moving. I pulled it out. On the cover it was a word written in gold letters. 'Dragons'. I put it next to Fiona and Charles.

I opened the book. It was full of information and illustrations. "Let us see as well!" Fiona said. I sat them up, so they leaned against the window. How could they see anything?  "Dragons are known to be able to breathe fire. It's as common as it is for wizards to do magic." I read and held back a sarcastic comment. "Dragons are in many different sizes and colours. The most common is a brown - grey colour, but as mentioned earlier, there are different colours. The size depends on the age. A grown up dragon can be up to ten meters, while a newborn aren't bigger than about one and a half meter." the book kept reading.  "Tell me, boy. Dragons are in human form, but what does that mean exactly? You just look like humans or are you like humans, without fire and the ability to fly?" Charles asked.

"Until a few hours ago, I didn't even know magic was real. Don't ask me." I said. Fiona laughed. "Let's call you Ed." I said to the dragon book. I don't know how much time I spent with the books. I mostly read about books and talked to Ed, Fiona and Charles, but then we wanted to read about something else and found a book, Grayson, about Creatures of The Magic World. I just turned the page when someone knocked on the door. I got up from the chair and opened it. My eyes lit up at the sights of the person outside my door. "Brooke, These books can talk! They've been teaching me about dragons and all kind of other creatures" I said while walking over to the desk again. She came in and closed the door behind her. "Look, we were just about to read about," I said and bent over the book to see what was written on the page. "Heart Whisperers." I said. She just looked at the other books in my shelf. "Have you ever heard of one?" I asked. "Mhm." She said and came over to the desk.

 "She's pretty!" Charles said. "Alaric, you haven't introduced the young lady." he said. I store at him for a second. "Ed, Fiona and Charles this is Brooke Evelyn. Brooke this is Ed, Fiona and Charles." I said. She looked a little questioning at me. "Hello!" Fiona said. Brooke gave her a short smile. Hey." she said. "Anyways, it says here that a heart whisperer can hear what humans truly desire as a whisper from-" "From the heart of a person. They can hear anyone's  desires, some stronger than other, even if the person doesn't know themselves what they want, which is often the case." she said. I looked shocked at her. "You're forgetting that I am from this world." she said and smiled while looking at the books.

"What are you?" I asked.  "Excuse me?" she said and looked me in the eyes. "Are you a wizard?" I asked. Maybe it was rude to ask, but I was so curious. She raised an eyebrow. "No, I'm not. But it's time for dinner so come on. " she said and walked towards the door. I was not giving up that easily.


This is really short, but more is coming very soon. Talking to you, Alex.  

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