Chapter six

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The person turned out to be a man with messy brown - grey hair. It stood out as if something had exploded in his face. He looked quite young though. Twenty something. His clothes were strange, but nearly everyone's clothes around here was. 

"Well, well" he said. "Look at that." He grabbed the sprinkles and looked at Brooke. She sighed. "Come for more apples?" he asked. I looked at her. She just shook her head. 

"Did something blow up in your face again?" she asked. He ignored her. 

"And who's your little pet?" he asked, looking at me. 

"You mean my little pet dragon?" she asked before I had the chance to say I wasn't her pet. His mouth dropped. 

"That's not possible." he said. Brooke opened her bag and dragged out a wet newspaper. I recognized it. Where did she get it? Her eyes met mine. 

"I took it from the lady in the store. Knew I needed proof." she said. The man store at the drawing. He shook his head lightly and said something to himself. 

"Fine." he said and took a few steps back. The gate opened up and let us in. I couldn't believe it, even though it was right in front of me. The gates must be 5 meters and they moved by themselves.

As we walked in we got many looks from students and teachers or whatever they were. The students wore uniforms, similar to British school uniforms. I'd started to realize that this world was very much real. And if this all was real, I was in a lot of trouble. I wasn't a dragon, so how would they react when they discovered the truth. The inside was marvelous. It reminded me of a castle or a museum or maybe something a bit more ancient, but all the magic made it feel more... alive. And there was a lot of magic. Things flew through the air, flowers bloomed in the speed of sound, music was playing from instruments (without humans or wizards.) and I even saw flying paper butterflies. Eventually I had to focus on Brooke and the man to not get lost in everything I saw. We walked up stairs and ended up in front of a door with the sign; principal. I really didn't get a good feeling. My experiences at the principal's office wasn't very good. The man knocked and opened the door before anyone could answer.

The room was huge. When you came in the door, you stepped into a circle. In the middle of the circle was a desk and to chairs. There was no walls behind the chairs, it was three steps up into another part of the room. This part was the one that blew my mind. The walls was filled with shelves with books and bottles with liquid, paintings in golden frames and writings. In the center of the second part was a tree. Not too big, about two meters. A small fence that only reached a person's ankles was surrounding it. But on the little tree grew apples of gold.

There was already three people in the room. Two women and a man. The man was older than the one who had let us in. He wasn't very tall and he could use a haircut. The first woman had shoulder length, dark hair and ice blue eyes. I didn't even have to look at her twice, she was the principal. The other woman, well to be honest she looked like a hippie. She had a ribbon braided into her long blond hair. She wore a long skirt with a funny pattern, an off-white big shirt and on top of all of that a vest. All she needed was a pair of sunglasses and a peace sign.

"What is this suppose to mean? I told you to get rid of her and her friend." the principal said. At least I was her friend now, not her pet. Brooke bumped down into one of the chairs. 

"Lovely to see you too again, prince." she said. The principal's face tightened. 

"You are to address me as Principal Clawson!" she said. She pointed a finger at her. "Are you here to steal more of my apples?" she accused. 

"You pick one golden apple of the special tree and then, suddenly everybody's after you!" Brooke said, holding her hands up in defense. Principal Clawson just shook her head.

"And you, who are you?" she asked and looked at me. The man who led us in handed her the newspaper. 

"I think-" he said as the principal's eyes widened as she saw the drawing and read the words. "he might be a dragon." the man finished. The newspaper was handed over to the other two. 

"Did you draw this?" the principal asked. 

"I think so." I answered, slightly uncomforable with the entire situation. 

"How can you not be sure. Did you draw it or not?" she asked. 

"Well, I fell asleep and when I woke up it was there. No one else was in the room." I said. They looked at each other. The hippie looked at me. 

"You just saw visuals when you were shot and this man was one of them?" she asked. I nodded. She'd at least read the article. 

"Let me see that." the principal said and took the newspaper. She read through. 

"So perhaps someone could explain me why you think I'm a dragon? What does dragons have to do with these visuals?" I asked. The short man took a few steps closer. 

"You don't know a lot about dragons, do you?" he asked. I shook my head. Brooke finally showed a little interest. 

"Dragons are said to have the ability to show each other memories. Another dragon must have shown you these memories." he said. It sounded so weird. How could they think I was a dragon? I looked like any seventeen years old boy. 

"I thought dragons had wings and claws and could breath fire." I said.

The principal was done reading. 

"They are originally, but thousands of years ago, dragons decided to take human form." she said. This was all so confusing. 

"But what does actually make me any different from any human?" I asked. 

"You see, we haven't had any contact with dragons in so many years. The man on the drawing, his name is Tiberius Ozbel Reza, he was the last known dragon. We really don't know a lot about what you can do." principal Clawson said. Tiberius. Just as she said it I knew it was right. His name was Tiberius. 

"So what happens now?" I asked, hoping they could send me home. 

"Well..." principal said and looked at the others. They nodded. "You are welcome to stay here at the Academy and we'll find out together why this is happening. How strange it is, that someone would show you these memories. " she said and walked over to her desk. Brooke send her a dazzling smile. Principal Clawson ignored her. 

"Mrs. Thompson will show you to the room." she said and waved at the hippie lady. She smiled friendly at me. 

"What about Brooke?" I asked. They all looked pretty surprised at me, except Brooke. She rose from the chair and smiled. 

"Worry not, my dear Clawson! I will be leaving, at this moment." she said and started walking towards the door. 

"Oh, no." said Mrs. Thompson. "The Academy is open for anyone of this world. She is not a human, she should be staying here. " she said and smiled at Brooke. What was Brooke? Was she a wizard? Brooke smiled back at her. 

"Thank you, Martha, but I'm not like the rest of the students. I'm a hunter and a slayer. A thief in fact." she said. All of a sudden, I realized she wasn't to different from me. Not quite like the normal kids. Not wanted. My parents couldn't even leave me at a foster home, they left me in a car.

"I could really use your experience and knowledge in my classes" Mrs. Thompson said. She looked at Principal Clawson. 

"I suppose she could be useful." she said. Mrs. Thompson lit up. 

"Wonderful!" she said and hurried out the door. Brooke and I followed.

No more dragonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ