Chapter five

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Pieces of glass rained over me. I expected some kind of alarm, but nothing came. Just as I let my hands down, someone grabbed my neck. "What are you doing?!" someone shouted at me. I twisted my neck and locked up at a man with golden brown eyes, white hair and an angry face. "Um, I..." I started. He dragged me over the floor. I thought he would kick me out, but instead he brought me to another small room and closed the door. I heard him lock it. It wasn't even a room, it was a closet. I slammed my fists against the door. "Hey! Let me out!" I shouted. I heard him walk away. This was not a part of the plan. Brooke Evelyn didn't say anything about this. "Open the door!" I tried again. He couldn't just lock me in here! Even in this twisted world it couldn't be legal to do that!

After what felt like forever I heard the door unlock. I was about to lay all of my weight on it to get it open, but someone else opened it. Brooke Evelyn put something back into her pocket. She held a finger up in front of her lips. "That was not a part of the plan!" I whispered and followed her around the corner. "No, it wasn't. But now we have another problem. We need to get past the old grumpy librarian." she whispered back. We both leaned around the corner. He was standing with a little boy. "Go and give this letter to them. Tell them it's an emergency!" He instructed and the little boy ran off. "Not good." she said. We waited until the man had  walked off before we started walking against the exit. It was packed with people. Just as we reached the door someone shouted; "Hey! That's the boy!" we turned around to see the people staring at us. "And the girl is a hunter and slayer! She's an betrayer as well!" someone else said. But before they had time to do anything we'd ran off.

"That was not fun." I said, which only caused Brooke to laugh. "Oh, come on!" she said. We were sitting in a quiet cafe. She put her hands on the table. "Look, it's over now. We can go to the Institute." she said. "How are we going to get there?" I asked. She was just about to answer when a guy who must be about eighteen  came over. He smiled at her. "Excuse me, we're having a conversation. If you don't mind.." I said. The guy looked at me as if he hadn't noticed me before. He turned against Brooke again. "What are you doing here with a guy like him, Eve?" He asked. I leaned to the side so I could see her. "You know this guy?" I asked. He turned his head and looked at me. His face was clearly irritated. "Let me buy you something to drink." he said to Brooke and was about to go. "Actually-" Brooke said and put a hand on his arm. "I'd rather have the money."  He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.  "Let's go." she said to me and rose.

Brooke Evelyn's brilliant plan was to sneak into a wagon and get a free hike. Luckily she knew exactly which one to choose. So now we were sitting in the back among groceries like flour and sugar. It stopped raining a while ago. We sat in silence and listened to the dripping of water from trees by the road. She seemed to be thinking about something. Her brows were frowned and she stared at something far away. We had been sitting in the wagon for a long time. "What's on your mind?" I asked. She answered without looking at me. "Well, we should be there soon.." she said. "So it might be a good idea to figure out how to get off before he sto-" she never got to finish the sentence. The wagon stopped and we heard footsteps. "Ops." she said. She jumped down from the wagon and landed right in front of a man. I followed. At first he just stood there and store at us, but then his face shifted in anger. "Time to go." Brooke said and we started running into the trees. "You bastards!" he shouted after us. I heard him scream some threats about what would happen if he ever saw our faces again.

We only ran for a little while. When Brooke felt we were far enough away we started walking instead. "Remind me to never trust your plans without hearing them first." I said, after minutes of silence. She laughed a little bit. "That won't be a problem. We're here." she said. For some reason, I didn't like the thought about not doing crazy things with her again. Which was even more crazy, bacause I needed to get away from this wicked world as fast as I could. We had gotten back to the road and at the end of... wow. A huge gate was between us and what was probably the most spectacular building I had ever seen in my life. It reminded me a little bit  of a church or a castle, but it was a lot bigger and it had a huge glass dome. Details in bronzy gold colours and beautiful carvings.  

We stopped when we reached the gate. "What now?" I asked. It was no way they would hear us if we shouted, the institute was probably at least two hundred meters away. "Oh, they now we're here. Just wait." she said. I didn't like the concerned look in her eyes. I followed them and in the horizon I could see the contours of a person walking towards us. 

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