Chapter 7

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*Phil's POV*
Today Dan and I bring Ash back to the care home. We hope she liked it at our house, we've also have yet to put up the video. We didn't want her to leave and we have to take the video down. As PJ drives us, Dan grabs my hand and draws circles with his thumb on mine. "Calm down dear, if this doesn't work, we'll can get a Shibu-Inu." He nodded sadly, whispering back "But I don't want a shibu-inu right now. I want Ash to stay ." I sighed and encased his hand in my other. I look back after a minute to check on Ash and I see her deep in thought. I wonder if she's thinking about her decision... I also remember vidcons coming up soon, I need to buy tickets soon. I feel a thump on my shoulder and I see Dan has fallen asleep. I shake my head and silently laugh at him. "Phil?" I hear Ash and I turn my head. "What if I stay? Will you come out as Phan? Would we be able to redecorate Dan's room? What if the phandom hates me? What if-" I cut her off "Stop. If you decide to stay, you can redecorate Dan's room, we'll come out saying phans real, but that's only if you stay. The phandom won't hate you, if they do their not part of the phandom. Just think about it, ok?" "Ok..." I think about bringing up vidcon but Ash beats me to it. "Phil, are we going to vidcon this year?" As I go to answer i think about what she said. I smile and look back at her "you said 'we'" she looked down sheepishly "Yeah.. I kinda want to stay..." As soon as we get there, she said that. I wake Dan up, tell him the news, and we get up to go into the care home. "Um.. Guys?" Dan and I both look at her "you guys aren't supposed to go in with me to the office in case you intemidate me in some way" We nod, and walk in with her. Soon Miss. Shae takes her into an office and we sit down. After a few moments, a younger kid walks up to us. "Hi, I lyric" I smile at the small bean. "Hi! I'm Phil, this is Dan. How old are you Lyric?" She smiles back "I a 3year old. Im a big girl!" Dan chuckled at her. "Wow, you really are a big girl!" I smile at the sight and secretly want to adopt a smaller kid. Once I get out of my thoughts, I see Lyric sitting on Dan's lap as he plays patty cake with her. I again think about taking a trial with her, but decide I should talk to Dan later after vidcon. Lyric soon leaves to play with the other kids as Ash comes back.

A/n- Hi interweblings! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've had terrible writers block. Hopefully I should start writing again. I'd like some feed back. Should the foster Lyric as well? Should I make Ash *trans? Leave me Ideas! Thank you you big memes.

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