Chapter 6: Diagon Alley

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I wake up to somebody shaking me. It was Emsie saying, "Emsie has brought the Miss her hot chocolate with extra chocolate and a egg and cheese biscuit with a side of hashbrowns, so Miss can relax and study before the exams Miss has today." I smile, "Thank you, Emsie. That is greatly appreciated." To this, I get up out of bed and grab my outfit for the day. (A/N It is pictured above) I go to sit down, but there was a knock at the door, "Midnight let whoever it is, in." The wolf howled and the door swung open to show Professor Snape, "Hello, Miss Willis." I return the greeting and he says, "The Headmaster has asked me to bring you to Diagon Alley, so you can get your stuff. That means we have to go to the front gate, so I can apparate with you." I nod, "Ok. Lead the way." We walk out of the room and the door shuts. Turning to put my hand on Midnight's head, saying, "Now protect the room while I'm gone." The wolf nodded and it looked like she was almost smiling.

On the whole way there, I was just thinking If we are doing a side-along apparition, then I get to be close to him! I was so caught up in this thought that I didn't realize that we had arrived. He says, "Grab on my arm and we will apparate." I did so, mentally preparing myself for the feeling of being forced through a rubber tube. Everything goes black and I feel like I am being compressed from all directions. It all stopped and I closed my eyes, trying to get over the nauseous feeling that is going through my body right now.

I open my eyes a few minutes later and find Professor Snape looking at me, "What?" He looked at me curiously, "Normally people get sick on their first time apparating." I smirked, "Don't you remember that I'm that 'annoying fangirl' who knows basically anything about the Wizarding world?" We both smile and I say, "You should smile more often. It's a good look for you." His hair fell in his face, "That is not appropriate to say about your future professor." My smile turns into a frown as the mood of the trip just went to happy to melancholy, "Let's just accomplish what we came here to do then." He nods and the hair falls out of the way of his face, which if you looked close enough, you could almost see the remains of a blush on his cheeks. I smirked before concentrating on finishing getting the stuff on the list the Headmaster gave Professor Snape. I stop in my tracks, realizing something important, "How am I going to pay for all this stuff?" Professor Snape explained, "Dumbledore has already taken care of that by telling the store manager ahead of time to send him the bill when you're ready to check out."

The things I got

A wand from Ollivander's (10 inches, Veela hair core, Ash wood)

A pomsky named Bella (Yes I know it's only supposed to be a cat, toad, or owl, but there have been rats and other sorts of creatures, so I am getting a Pomsky!)

The cauldron (pewter standard size 2)

A set of glass phials

A telescope

A set of brass scales 

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