Chapter 3- Meeting Severus and Dumbledore

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We landed with a crash in front of the gates of Hogwarts. I grab the first suitcase and used my magic to levitate the others. I look at the Doctor, smile and say, "Thank you." He returned the smile and did a slight nod, "It's the best I could do for you saving Rose." The girl in question came over and gave me a hug, "Thank you Alexa." I hug her back, "Your welcome Rose." I walk over to the doors of the Tardis. I open them to walk out to the gates of Hogwarts. I turn back when I hear the Doctor ask, "Do you think you would want to go back?" I shake my head telling him that I wouldn't want to go back.

I walk out of the Tardis and to the gates. The Tardis took off, going into open space. I open the gates to see a man in all black clothes with black hair. He didn't know it, but he was my fictional lover and if this plan worked out, I would be his new student. He turns to me and sharply inhales, "Who are you?" I answer him, "I'm Alexa Willis. I have to speak to Professor Dumbledore." He nods and turns towards the castle, "Follow me." I nod and reapply the spell to levitate my suitcases. He looks at me questionably, "How old are you?" I reply, "I am 16 years old." He thinks before asking me, "Are you in any way, shape, or form, related to Lily Evans?" I shake my head, "No. I am not."

He stayed silent the rest of the way to the castle. He lead me to the Headmaster's office. A man with long white hair and a long white beard was sitting at the desk while reading a book. Severus clears his throat, "Headmaster, Miss Alexa Willis wishes to see you." Dumbledore looked up from his book at me with his twinkling eyes I read so much about. He says, "Thank you, Severus." The Potions professor did a slight nod before turning around and going to walk away. "Thank you sir", I said to him. He looked at me and asked, "For what?" I looked at him and replied, "For showing me the way, when you could have said no." Severus looked confused on what to do for a few minutes. He chose just to walk away after muttering, "Your welcome."

I look back at Professor Dumbledore, who was looking at me and Severus with a very unnatural, mischievious twinkle in his eyes. After Severus walked away, Dumbledore b nbjoyfully spoke, "Hello. Who are you?" I replied, "My name is Alexa Willis and I'm from the future." He asked, "How did you get here from the future?" I answered, "I saved this girl named Rose Tyler from the Tardis and the Doctor felt like he owed me a favor for saving his companion, so I asked him to bring me to Hogwarts in the year 1990."

He looked confused, "Well you apparently aren't muggle because you can see Hogwarts. Why haven't I heard about you until now?" I thought before speaking, "I actually can't come up with an answer for that one. It might be due to the fact I thought everyone was just part of a fictional world written by J.K. Rowling." "Are you talking about Joanne Rowling", he asked. I nodded. He said, "She was an amazing Hufflepuff witch." I was amazed, "She was a witch?" He nodded, "A really powerful one too. Now what is it you are wanting to do." I replied, "I want to attend Hogwarts." He stood, "Then it is settled. You are to be sorted into your Hogwarts house tonight." I was confused, "Ok, but what am I going to do until then?" He thought for a moment, "You need school robes, so you'll have to be escorted to Diagon Alley to get some. I will arrange someone to do that and have them meet you. You also need to buy some wizarding dress robes. For that you can go to Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogsmeade. You don't need an escort for that. I will see to it that you have some exams done to see what level you are at in learning your magic, so I can put you in a certain year." I nodded while saying, "Ok. Thank you Headmaster, but I will need money for all of that." He waved his hand dismissively, "Don't worry. I will take care of that."

Author's note= Sorry for the wait and such a short chapter. :( I will start writing the next chapter right away..... Well actually i will write it after i get some sleep. Please review after you read. Also Follow me if you want more fanfictions.  

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