Chapter 16

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1 week later

It's been a week since the kiss between Severus and I. He's been avoiding me since then. It's been really awkward. When it's time for assistant training, I go arrange the storage closet or help grade papers. I look up at him and we'll make awkward eye contact for a moment before one of us look away. When it's time for Potions class then he won't look or call on me even though I know the answer. 

I had to push these thoughts from my mind to focus on my school work, which consisted of 4 essays. They were completed the day I was given the assignment and out in different laminated pockets, so they wouldn't get ruined before I had the chance to hand it in. I fed Bella and got her leash for a walk down to the quidditch pitch. Tryouts were this week and I was hoping to get some practice in to get a spot on the team. Since the start of the year, Natalie was moved into my dorm. She grabbed my broom. I hooked Bella's leash and handed it to Natalie so I can grab our jackets just in case it was chilly outside. I said, "Midnight." The portrait swung open a minute later. We walked through the castle and got to the area outside the kitchens 

The doors swung opened to the kitchen after I tickled the pear on the painting and the three of us walked in. I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye but I didn't think of it too long. Emsie popped in and immediately got hyper, "Miss Alexa! You brought Miss Natalie and Bella with you today! Do you want your egg and cheese biscuit and hot chocolate?" I shook my head and answered the little house elf. "No not today. I'm going to take them around the grounds. I just need a few snacks and drinks to pack." While I say this, I play with Natalie's hair. She was putting her arm around my waist so patiently. I felt like a mother at the age of 16. Well I was about to turn 17 in 3 weeks. The elf popped out and Natalie dropped to play with Bella. She was barking while playing. I leaned my back on the counter in the kitchen and watched the scene with a smile on my face. The elf popped in about 2 minutes later with fruit snacks, granola bars, bags of popcorn and chips, juice boxes, water, and a few sodas. She also brought a bag to put everything in. I took the bag and item by item to pack them. 

I looked back at the elf when I was finished and said, "Thank you Emsie." She bowed and popped out. I told Natalie, "Let's go." She got up and we left. 

Other POV

Severus walked into the shadows and watched the scene play out. He watched Alexa smile at Natalie played around with Bella. He thought she was beautiful. She was all he ever wanted in his life. He wanted her more than he wanted Lily. He didn't want to hurt her like he hurt Lily. He knew that she was turning 17 soon, so he didn't care about the age. Severus didn't care about her being his student. He cared about her. She was intellegent, beautiful, caring, and selfless. The way she was with Natalie and the younger students, she was breath taking. Before he knew it, she was leaving. He waited for all three of them to leave before he came out of the shadows. A house elf, who was fortunately not Emsie, popped in the room, "Professor Snape. What would you like?" He replied, "A little later, would you be able to put two egg and cheese biscuits, two hot chocolates, and some dog treats in Alexa Willis's room? Don't say anything about me in any part of this." The elf nodded and popped out. 

Severus walked out. 

Alexas POV

We got down to the Quidditch pitch and it was empty. This was weird considering Quidditch tryouts were tomorrow. I told Natalie that she could stay on the ground or could go up in the stands if she wanted. She opted to stay on the ground to walk Bella around. I straddled my broom and kicked off the ground. I was worried about leaving her on the ground by herself, but then I heard her say, "Go Alexa. I'll be fine." I nodded and flew higher and higher until I was practicing the plays I have heard of in Quidditch. I got tired after a while and I went back down to the ground where Natalie and Bella were curled up sleeping. I had conjured some rope and tied the broom on my back. I then picked up Natalie and grabbed the leash and the bag to walk back to the Castle. Halfway there, I hear a voice, "Do you need a hand?" It was Skarlet. I nodded, "Please." She helped by taking the broom, bag, and the leash, leaving me with carrying Natalie to the Castle. She walked with me on the way there. She asked, "How have things been going?" I shrugged, "It's been better." Her eyebrows went up, "Has Eliza said anything to you since then?" I shook my head, "No. She's kept her distance." She stopped which caused me to stop, "Hey what do you have In this bag anyway?" I said, "Snacks and drinks. There's a few sodas in there if you want." She nodded and I carefully put Natalie down.

We both took a soda, she took a Coca Cola and I took a Dr. Pepper, and sat down. Skarlet asked, "So what's with you and Professor Snape? You two seem like you have a sexy secret relationship going on." Unknowingly I smirked, but for depressed. She noticed this, "How am I supposed to take that reaction?" I thought for a minute before replying, "Can I trust you?" She nodded. I started my story, "In my world, you were all characters in a book series. My favorite was Severus Snape. I got to know his character and fell in love with him. It was rocky at first when I got here, but we got to the point of flirting. I went to Assistant Training on the first day and I snuck into the room to comfort him while he was frustrated at essays, but he freaked out and basically looked like he was ready to kill if he needed to. This led to me having slight bruising on my neck and he put a salve on it. I went to get up and I tripped, falling into him. We held eye contact for a moment before we kissed. It lasted for a while before he snapped out of it and made me get out." Skarlet took all of it in quite well as I told her everything. "Thats a story of so many mixed feelings." I nodded, "Yep." We laughed and continued to drink our sodas. After we calmed down, she turned towards me, "If you ever need to talk, I'll be here." I nodded, "Same here." 

I stood up after making my soda can vanish, "Do you want to get back to the castle now?" She nodded before she did the same thing. Bella got up, noting we were ready to leave. I was tired of carrying Natalie, so I tried to wake her up. She stirred, but didn't wake up. I cast, "Levicorpus." Her body rose off the ground. We made our way back to the castle. 

We had made it to my dorm. Skarlet was confused, "Why aren't you bringing her to the Slytherin dorms?" I explained, "She was having really bad nightmares and only felt safe with me, so they moved her in here with me." She nodded. I turned towards Midnight, who was growling at a new person. I quickly stopped that, "Midnight!" The growling stopped and the painting swung out, revealing my room behind it. We walked in and I layed Natalie on her side of the bed. Skarlet out my stuff down and said, "Well I'm tired. I'm probably going to go back to my room now." I nodded, "Okay. See you later." She left.

I checked the clock and it said 7:42pm. I was astounded, "I didn't think we stayed out there that long." I shrugged it off and then suddenly there was a delicious smell in my room. I look at the table and I see two egg and cheese biscuits and two hot chocolates. I smiled at the sight, "Emsie must have done this. Well, I can't let this go to waste now." I took one meal off of a stasis charm and sat down at the table. I allowed myself some food after the long day of Quidditch practice. I was in the mood for some tater tots, so I called, "Emsie?" Not even a minute later, she popped in, "Yes Miss Alexa?" She sees the food, "So you decided you wanted those after all. Emsie didn't hear you calling her for them." This was surprising, "Wait. You didn't put these in here." The elf shook her head no. I wondered, "Then who did?" She shook her head, "Emsie doesn't know, Miss Alexa." I thought for a minute before shrugging it off as another elf heard and brought me some. I remembered what I had called her in here for, "Can you bring me some tater tots?" She nodded and left. Natalie had woken up after the elf popped out. I noticed this, "Do you want some food, sleepy head?" She nodded before getting up and sitting down to eat her food. The elf had reappeared just as fast as she had left, carrying tater tots. She gave them to us before leaving again. We quickly finished our food and hot chocolate before getting ready for bed. I passed out. 

The next day =Sunday morning

I woke up at 830am. Natalie woke up at about 9am. We were happy it was tryout day. I had gotten my gear on, so we could leave quickly. We went down to the Great Hall for breakfast and then headed down for the Quidditch pitch. Unlike yesterday, it was full of people. The Slytherins were up next for try outs. My name would be either first or last, depending on how they ordered it. It was unfortunately by first name. I was the first one to go. I was trying out for keeper. It was like a goalie for soccer, which I loved as a child. I kicked off the ground and flew to the hoops were. The chaser was fast, but I had stopped every quaffles she there at me. There a few I almost didn't stop, but good thing I had a really fast broom. I looked in the stands and Professor Snape was sitting away from the many Slytherin students. 

For once, we didn't make eye contact. I was actually thankful for it though. My tryout was over as the crowd clapped for me loudly. There was 2 other people also trying out for keeper, so I wasn't too confident I was going to make the team this year. It would be awesome if I did, but it would be just fine if I don't. The captain told me that the results would be posted after tomorrow since there was some people who were trying out tomorrow. I nodded and watched the rest of try outs with Natalie.

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