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Chapter 2: Secrets

I don't know what to do. Should I run? Should I stay? My thoughts were cut off when I hear the SWOOSH of the Tardis door open. A guy with a little bit of hair walked out of the Tardis, "You are going to stay here and let me do you a favor for saving Rose from the time machine I call a Tardis." I was confused. I did my hardest to stay relaxed, "I said that out loud?" He nods, "Now what do you want to do or when and where do you want to go?" I think for a minute before answering, " Can you wait a little bit, so I can get the new Harry Potter book, then get my stuff and after that, I'll tell you where I want to go." He nods before following me to the bookstore. Everyone returned to what they were doing, weirdly not remembering the flying blue telephone booth that had just fallen out of the sky.

We get to the light purple building with the words 'Bradley's Bookstore' on it. I smile when I get in the store, walking straight to the spot where the Harry Potter books are located. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I fangirl, " YAY! It's here!" I laugh when I see the weird looks I get from the Doctor and Rose. I pick up the book and bring it to the counter, "Hey Brad." The seventy year old man smiled, "Hello Alexa. I see you're getting the new Harry Potter book." I nod and pay for the book, "Bye Bradley." I wave to him and lead the Doctor and Rose out of the door of the building.

We get back to my house and I go in to pack my stuff. Getting everything I own, I pack them into about 7 or 8 suitcases. I go to walk out of my room and I hear a crash from behind me. Turning around, I see that the wand box that I had from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida. I read the side of it. It had been , "How did this fly of the shelf." I shrug, grabbing it and opening it. I take the wand out of the box and think. I wish I had magic to carry all of this stuff downstairs. I look back and forth from the wand to the 8 suitcases. Will this even work? I point the wand at one of the suitcases and say, "Locomotor Suitcase."

The results were not what I imagined. The suitcase rose about a foot or two off the ground. My eyes widened at the miracle before me. I slowly turn, pointing the wand at the door. The suitcase, still floating, went out the door. I hear Rose's voice downstairs, "Um. Alexa, are you aware that one of your suitcases are floating downstairs at this very moment?" I shout back, "Yes. I don't know how, but it is." I let the spell go. I walk out the door and see Rose holding that same suitcase. She smiles, "I'll go put this in the Tardis." The Doctor asked me after she went out the front door, "Did you know you were a witch?" I looked at him and said, "Honestly, no I didn't. I thought this was all just fiction." The Doctor looked back at me and said, "Most fiction is written about the real thing. Just no one really believes it that much to have it happen." I smile and walk back upstairs. I repeat the spell about 7 times for each of my suitcases. The Doctor and Rose took turns taking them to the Tardis. Rose came back in the house, "Was that the last one?" I nod grabbing my wand and my jacket. I turned the light off and walked out the door towards the Tardis.

The Doctor opens the door to the Tardis and lets me walk inside, "Have you figured out where you want to go?" I nod, "Hogwarts. August 29, 1990 to be exact." The Doctor puts in the date and place into the Tardis. He looks back at me, "Hold on." I do just that and the Tardis takes off into space. 

A fangirl in HogwartsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu