Chapter 7

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I left the hospital for the night and skipped home. I had a good time with them and they seemed happier. I smiled.

I was almost home when I crashed into somebody.

"I'm so sorry" I looked for the person I crashed into and saw that I was sitting on them. "I am extremely sorry." I got up and helped them up.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. By the way, my name is Danny."

"Hi Danny, my name is Mac. it's nice to meet you" I said cherrily. He smiled at me.

"I think we have a class together at the high school. Am I correct?" I looked at his brown eyes and nodded. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow and be safe. Don't go crashing into anyone else." he chuckled to himself.

I watched his figure as he walked away. When he was out of sight I ran home and slammed the door shut. My mom just looked at me like I was crazy but sadly, this is normal for me. I ran up to my room and opened my laptop. Time to call my friends.


"Hey again. You guys need to calm down, do you know what time it is and why are you always together?"

"Well, our parents said we could all live together and they would pay for our apartment so here we are. I'm pretty sure they were just tired of us and wanted us gone" Kimi stated clearly.

"Well that's rude."

"There has to be a reason for you calling us so late. Tell me now, my friend" Alli said.

"No, I just wa-"

"We all know you're either calling about your friends who were in the fire or something else so just spil it." Josh and Joe said.

"Fine, I ran into someone today on the way home from the hospital."

"Who was it?" Alli asked, clearly sparked with curiousity.

"Well I more of crashed into him and knocked him over. Hehe." they sighed. "His name is Danny and he's really nice. Also, I think he's in a few of my classes."

"You'll have to introduce us to him."

"Well, I'm not exactly friends with him, I think he might be mad at me for that" I bit my lip and sighed.

"Nice going dipwad" Josh yelled.

"Oh shut up. Not my fault and I've gotta go, it's getting really late."

"Okay, night Mac! We love you!"

"Night Kimi, Alli, Joe and Josh! I love you guys too" with that I hung up and shut my computer then went to bed.

                                                                           * * *

The next morning I dressed up like a Queen. I had on a golden crown, a light blue dress and a pair of clear high heels. I looked at myself in the mirrior and sighed.

"I feel so plain. Maybe if I do something differently with my hair it will look better" I fixed my hair in a different way then put it back down. "This will have to do then" I walked downstairs and went to the bus.

                                                                             * * *

 At school I saw many kings, queens, princes, and princesses. It was crazy seeing everyone dressed like this.

I walked along to my first class and crashed into everything. I thought my outfit would be annoying but everyone elses outfits were everywhere. I finally got to first period and sat in the back.

"Hey" I looked up to see a brown haired person.

"Hi" I said with a wonderful smile. At least I think it was a wonderful one.

"Mac, you don't remember me do you?"

"Oh..Hi Danny. Sorry about that." I blushed in embaressment and looked away.

He sat down next to me and started drawing something. I daydreamed some of class and doodled some of the rest.

                                                                          * * *

It was lunch time. I'm assuming that I'm going to have to sit back by myself because nobody cares enough to sit with me. I looked around the lunchroom for an empty table and found one. Right in the middle.

'Guess it will have to do' I thought to myself. I walked over to the table and sat. I looked around at everyone and sighed. They were staring at me as the usually did. I guess I should ignore them and eat.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I looked up at the familiar burnette and nodded. He sat on the other side of the table and ate in silence.

"Why do you want to sit with me?" I asked after what seemed like endless quietness.

"Because you seem like a genuinely nice person. Everyone else here is fake and you seem real and down to Earth" I looked at him and found nothing but sincerity in his eyes. I could see something else but I'm not sure what it is.

"Fine. Sit with me if you want to be shunned for the rest of your days living. It's not my fault" he just laughed at me. I sighed and continued eating my food.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but I had a major case of writer's block. It's driving me crazy and I started writing another story on paper. I'm not posting it until I feel like I should. Don't hate me for not uploading. I am truly very sorry and I understand if you won't forgive me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2011 ⏰

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