Chapter 5

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I stared at my purple-haired friend. I was so happy that she apporved of my friendship with Sasuke. Now she needs to approve of Raven. It's like my mother and them all over again.

"Kimi, I want you to meet Raven." I jestered to the black-haired boy. Kimi was staring at him for a while until Josh pushed her out of the way.

"Hi Raven, I'm Josh and if you lay a hand on her you're dead."


"Yes Mac?"

"I'm mentally slapping you" I said annoyed as heck. "Raven, try to talk to them please." I looked at him with pleading eyes and a smile.

"Fine, I'll talk to them only because you look so sad with that look on your face." I hugged him and he stared at me, along with my friends from Maine.


"KIMI, JOSH, JOE, STOP YELLING OR I'M HANGING UP!" they immediately became quiet. I moved away from the computer and let Raven have it.

"Hey, so I'm Raven and I'm Mac's new friend."

"I already knew that. Joe and Josh don't like you but Alli does. Keep talking though. I want to hear you before I make any decisions. Also, if you try and break my Mac's heart I will peronally come there and murder you, do you understand me?" Kimi is so charming, isn't she?

"Yes Kimi, I understand you and no need for the threats. Anyways, Mac is ours now" he winked at her and Kimi turned red with anger. Raven laughed at her.

"Raven, I'm starting to not like you and if I don't like you, you can't be Mac's friend" she glared at him and he glared back. I gawked at her.


"Since now. It's only because you have 2 guy friends."

"Darling, that means nothing. I may choose who my friends are and these two wing nuts are my friends. Kimi, please calm down."

"Sorry Mac, I just don't want them hurting you" she gave me an innocent smile.

"Can I please talk to your friends because I want them to like me. I want to stay your friend."

"Of course you can Raven. Be nice, all of you."

                                                                        * * *

The boys left my house, finally. Kimi and the rest finally got to like Raven and they all liked Sasuke from the beginning. I ate dinner by myself because my mom went out with her friends. My dad called me while I was doing homework. I got some stuff ready for beach party day.

I walked upstairs and laid on my bed. I stared at the ceiling being bored out of my mind. I then got up again and turned on my music to "I'll Make a Man Out of You" and started singing.

"Lets get down to business to defeat....the Huns.

Did they send me daughters when I asked...for sons.

You're the saddest bunch I've ever met and you can bet before we're through, mister I'll make a man out of yooouu.

Tranquil as a forest but on fire...within.

Once you find your center you are sure to win.

You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot and you haven't got a clue somehow I'll make a man out of you."

My singing was interrupted by a knocking at my balcony door. It was rapid and worried. I ran over to it and opened the door. I think it was either Sasuke or Raven but I wasn't sure. He was coughing up a storm and pointed in a direction where the sky was lit up. I gasped when I saw that there was a fire across the street.

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