A/N: Quick Announcement!

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((A/N:  Heyyy, all you beautiful kittens!!

Before I make my announcement I want to say that I am completely astonished by how much love this story gets. You guys never cease to amaze me with all your kind comments and support. Don't worry - I read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT left on all my stories, so no one gets left out. You guys are so funny with your puns lmaooo

But anywho, on with the announcement:

My friend Sam, aka FluffyKarma , just wrote an awesome story called "A Heinous Story". It's DirkxJake and DavexTerezi, and I'm saying please go check it out. Sam's really sweet, and she's been working on this story forever and it's really good!! (I helped her revise it btw - I left so many comments, the poor girl)

So, if you like that horror/mystery type stuff and if you like HeinouStuck, go check out "A Heinous Story" by FluffyKarma . It's about Dirk and Terezi going on a search for thier lovers, Dave and Jake, who have been missing for 2 weeks. When they get a lead, they go after the boys, but what they find is nothing that they expected. Go check it out!

Thank you guys so so much, I love you guys! Stay amazing, Kittens!

- Emma <3))

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