I wore my shoes and went running there

"Harry!..Harry" I ran and found Harry laying on the floor

I sat down next to him, I'm really worried 

"Harry wake up! Cupcake wake up! wake up please don't, Don't think about it..No you're not leaving me this way" I held Harry's hand and I started to sob 

"Harry would you please wake up for me? I don't wanna lose you" I pulled him to me and started crying on his shoulder

"Please Harry please wake up, Wake up!!" 

I started shaking him, Nothing..Harry is not moving

"No Harry you can't die now!!" 

I held his hand and kissed it, I thought it's the last time that I would kiss him

"Please just please" I started sobbing hard that I couldn't breath normaly

"Hey, Chin up..Stop crying i'm alive"

I raised my head to see Harry was alive, His eyes are opened and he moves 

"Oh Harry you freaked the shit outta me!" I hugged him and started sobbing 

"Why are you so scared, Hey Cher stop crying"

He tried to move but he couldn't

"I think I broke a bone"

I wiped my tears "A bone? Are you kidding me? You look like someone threw you in a pool of blood! Harry where you trying to kill yourself!?"

"No, I got into a big problem, I could handle him but then their friends decided to join the party, Not fair"

I cried happy tears and giggled "You was about to die, Idiot" I hugged him again

"At least you're here, Bear..How did you get here anyway"

"There's some gu-" I stopped talking 

"Never mind i will tell you later, I'm bringing you back home"

"No! Not a good idea, I need to clean myself up..Can I spend the night with you?"

"Sure thing, Wait here I'll get a taxi to get us home"

Harry's POV :

Cher was really nice to me, All the time..She stood for me no matter what happened. I mean I was just about to die and she was there while no one was! I just, I've always have feelings to Cher, Even before I get in a relationship with Megan..But I just wanna let it go.

I got to Cher's home and I went to a shower while Cher called my parents to tell them I was with her but someone needs to clean this blood of me

"Heyy! Wear a shirt!" Cher said while she was raising up her head from the laptop's screen

"Nope, I can do whatever I want"

"There's a lot of blood there" she said while pointing on my body

"Stop looking at my chest you idiot"

"Huh, Then wear a freaking shirt!"

"I don't have one, Stupid"

"Right, Wait i'll get you one from my dad" She got up really fast, Wow she was freaking shy 

"Wait, Cher"

"What?" She looked at me

"I need you to clean this blood" 

"Fuck you I ain't gonna do it, You do it yourself!" Haha is she's trying to hide her face, It's turning tomato 

"Well my back I can't reach it"

"Alright..Alright, I'm gonna call my mum to do it"

"Haah! wait wait! Just bring me the shirt deal?"

"I knew it..Ok wait"

She went down while I took the laptop to check what she was doing

Wow, Cher has a blog! Awesome i'm so looking in it

"HEY! Leave that leave that" She threw the shirt and she ran and took the laptop

"Chill, The hell why did you get mad"

"What no it's nothing" She gave me the shirt while took the laptop again

Cher's POV :

Holy crap his abs were like oh my god I've never seen Harry's body like that ! I never knew he was that hot, Damn Megan was lucky..

We Were Meant To Be (Cher Lloyd and Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now