Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

He chuckles, "Yeah, right. I've been working hard to get ahead of you. Your pops and I have had numerous sessions since you've been out of commission. Good luck, Ramirez."

"Once I get the all clear, I'll be back to normal in no time. Just you wait."

I glance at the time and realize Toby should be here any minute. I ask Simon to send the stats through to Dani and I rush back to our floor. I meet Toby at the door and he greets me warmly.

"Hey Lieutenant. How's it going?"

"Good, thanks. You?"

"Not bad. I'm going to miss this guy though. He's been a good companion."

"I'm sure. You're not going to back out, are you? Dani is so excited to have Scar and I don't want her to be disappointed."

"No sir, I won't back out. I can't have him and the new one."

I send him a smile, "I had to check. How old is the new one?"

"Almost a year. He's been through standard training, which I played a big part in. I've just got to get him on the job training now."

"That's cool. It sounds like a good job to have."

"Very. I love my job so I don't really see it as work..."

We're now at Dani's desk and I'm almost sure I hear a tiny squeal of excitement leave her mouth. I chuckle at her and Toby actually looks pleased to see such a reaction.

He quietly says to me, "Now I know he really will be loved. There's no way that reaction is faked in the slightest."

I smile, "Honestly, you have no idea how excited she's been. She could hardly sleep last night."

He chuckles and turns to Dani, "Morning ma'am. I have a special delivery for you."

She smiles, "A very special delivery."

She says something in Dutch and Scar turns his head to one side, like he's listening intently to her.

"I'm not going to prolong this for Scar, or me. I said my goodbyes earlier and I gave him a run before coming up here. We haven't been separated for any length of time, so he'll probably need some time to adjust. Just be patient with him. He can go anywhere with you. He's allowed to go in stores and pretty much anywhere else you can think of. He's a working dog, so they can't deny him access. He's still in service, just not active service. But you're not cleared to chase, attack or make an arrest with him. The Lieutenant can make an arrest, but not with Scar's assistance. I'll leave my cell number so you can call if you guys have any questions. I'd like to see him again, if that's ok?"

Both Dani and myself nod and he continues, "I'll give him some time to settle first, so it doesn't upset him. Once he has settled, then maybe you can let me know when I can see him."

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