Chapter 9

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   The day dragged on once more, and I found myself restlessly waiting to seeing Luke.

   Fourth block came by, and we were told to go back and finish our labs from yesterday.

   "Hey, so what do your dads think of you know...?" I looked at him as we grabbed our lab sheets and prepared to go back to our lab.

   He looked at me and shrugged, "They're cool with, it as far as I know. Although they're scared that my little sister will get beat up too because of me. That's why we moved, so that we would be safe. Look how that turned out," he had a distant look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something unpleasant.

   "Hey, forget I said anything. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

   He waved it away, "Nah, it's okay. But they seem to be okay with it. I had a girlfriend once, but she just ended up using me. I was her secret little rendezvous that she came to when her girlfriend wasn't looking. But my folks were supportive of me when I finally told them why I kept getting picked on."

   I suddenly felt really sad as I thought of my own parents, "Lucky for you..."

   He looked at me confused, "Is something wrong?"

   "Huh? Oh! No! No, I-I'm fine. Nothing's wrong," I forced myself to give him a reassuring smile, but it was obvious that he knew something was wrong.

   ", we should get started with our lab."

   I looked over at the lab area to see some kids near our lab table laughing and looking at us, "Uh, yeah. That's probably a good idea."

   As we started towards our lab table I was surprised to see the kids standing around practically race back to their own labs.

   Luke leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Be careful, kids do this kind of shit all the time. They probably rigged  something on the desk or the chairs or something."

   I nodded my head at him as I shot glances at the kids who had ran off to do their labs; they were simply engrossed in their work, ignoring us.

   I sat down cautiously and took a good look at the area around me, checking to make sure my stuff wouldn't stick to the table, or the chair wouldn't collapse from under me.

   Once I was sure I was okay, I looked over at Luke who seemed to have some to the same conclusion; they didn't do anything to our lab table.

   I shrugged and began to re-create the solutions from yesterday.

   It wasn't really hard, we just had to add a certain amount of a certain solution that were marked in bottles.

   A couple drops of this...a quarter cup of that...and a teaspoon of sodium.

   Once I added the sodium, I realized that something was wrong. The solution began to boil, even though I was still a few steps away from putting it over the fire.

   I looked over at Luke concerned, but he was distracted with writing down answers on the lab sheet.


   He looked up at me and I saw his eyes widen as the solution seemed to expand in the beaker. He looked behind me and I followed his gaze to see an bunch of kids snickering and videotaping what was going on.

   "Dump it out Becca, now!"

   I reached for the glass just as the beaker all but exploded in my face, covering me in thick, hot, and green-ish looking gunk.

   The kids in the class were laughing their asses off and taking a bunch of pictures.

   The teacher began walking towards me from the front of the class looking concerned.

   Ashlee looked at me horrified.

   I felt hot tears fill my eyes as I looked over at Luke who looked back at me with sorry eyes.

   I jumped up and ran out of the room towards the girls' bathrooms with Ashlee right on my tail.

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