Chapter 2

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Alex pulled into the school parking lot and, without waiting for me, got out and began heading to Building D.

At out school there are four buildings. Building A is for Freshmen. Building B is for Sophomores. Building C is for Juniors, like me and my friends. And Building D is for Seniors, like Alex.

I rolled my eyes and began walking towards Building C to hang out with Ashlee and David before homeroom.


I looked over to where I heard the familiar voice and I saw the twins.

"Hey guys!" I walked over to the little picnic table under the tree where the two sat with text books scattered on the table.

"Hey Becca, how's your aunt?" Ashlee asked me before I could even sit down.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since the incident," I shrug and took out my homework that I, yet again, forgot to do the night before.

My family is really against heterosexuality. My Aunt Emma came out a few years ago and she was cut off by the whole family. We're not even allowed to say her name.

"Well, it's her own fault. She let this happen to herself. Freaking breeder," David muttered quietly, almost as if it were meant for his ears only, but I also heard it.

"Hey! She's still my aunt, be nice!"

He looked up at me annoyed, "What are you? Some kinda of breeder lover?"

"Not a lover, but I don't hate them."

"You sure?" He smirked at me.

"David, stop it," Ashlee elbowed him in his side causing him to wince, but he didn't say anything else about it.


I heard someone call my name from behind me.

I looked over and saw Alex making a beeline towards us.

"Hello Becca, David, Ashlee," her gaze lingered a bit longer on Ashlee than it did on me or David.

"Hi Alex," Ashlee began twirling her hair the way she did when she was nervous.

She smiled at Ashlee's obvious nervous reaction then looked at me, "Tim said that Dad wants us to come straight home today. That means you can't go hang out after school."

I nodded and gave Ashlee a sideways glance when Alex gave her a wink before walking away.

"So what's going on with you and my sister?" I put my notebooks away to give her my full attention.

"Um, I don't know. I guess we just like each other," she was smiling like a maniac and her cheeks were blushed.

"Wow. I would have never saw that coming," David said as he picked up his books and went off to homeroom.

I gave her a wicked smile before getting up to head to my own homeroom.

I went around a corner to get to the side of the building when I ran into somebody, causing them to fall to the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" I reached down to help him up, but then I saw his face.

His face was tanned and squared, like a model. His hair was a mixture of dirty blonde and light brown, and he had gray eyes that looked like they could pass for a darker shade of blue.

He stared at me for probably as long as I stared at him, but he finally took my hand and I pulled him up.

"Sorry, I was kinda in a rush to get to class," I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, not being able to help noticing how beautiful he looked.

He shrugged, picked up his sunglasses that had fallen off of his face and smiled, "It's fine, accidents happen," his voice was deep but kind.

I think I'm sweating...

"Oh, um, I'm Becca."

"I'm Luke," he put his hand out to shake mine and I took it. So warm...

"Um, well I should really get to homeroom," I said bye and walked passed him, venturing to look back at him. When I did, I found him watching me leave.

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