Chapter 5

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"So I'm supposed to ask how school was. How was school?" Alex asked me as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Uh-oh. What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, okay?" I turned away from her and stared out the passenger window. She gave me the gift of silence for the rest of the car ride.


"So, Becca, how was school today?" Mitch/Dad asked me when we started eating dinner.


Alex faked a cough and said "liar".

"Shut up, Alex!"

"Hey, a big sis has gotta look out for the younger one." She smirked and took a bite of her corn.

"Becca, did something happen at school today?" Tim asked with concern in his voice.

"No, nothing happened," I proceeded to push my food around on my plate.


I looked up sheepishly at Dad.

"What happened today?" He had put his fork down to give me his full attention. Tim was looking at me concerned.

Alex was simply ignoring the conversation and enjoying her corn.

I sighed, "A kid got beat up today by David because he was trying to tell me something privately."

Tim's eyes widened, "What? Why would David do that?"

I began playing with the hem of my shirt, "Because it was a new kid who is Heterosexual."

"Oh, well in that case it's fine. We wouldn't want David just going around beating kids up for no reason," Dad said as he ate his peas smirking.

"It's not fine! That kid wasn't doing anything wrong!"

Dad looked at me with squinted eyes, "Are you standing up for this boy?"

I nodded my head, "Go ahead, ground me! But I'm not changing my opinion. That kid didn't deserve what happened to him!"

"Mitch, Becca obviously felt bothered by it so we can't make for feel like her opinion is wrong," Tim put his hand on Dad's shoulder.

"Well, if she becomes a Hetero than I'm gonna let all hell loose in this house."

"I'm not Heterosexual, Dad," but as soon as I said it, I instantly felt guilty for some reason.

Dad turned to look at me, "Becca, you know we are a no Hetero tolerance family, right?"

"I know," I was silently going over the day when my dad disowned his own sister for confessing to her girlfriend that she was having an affair with a man.

"Good, now let's just eat our dinner without thinking about the horrible sins of the world."

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