It's the best damn dress I own

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The "little black dress" that I loved but was too unconfident to wear. It was one of those dresses that emphasise your curves, my bf Frank got for me after he saw me swooning over it in a shop window.

"It'll look great on you sweetheart," he said as he gave me the bag from the shop. I honestly could not describe how I felt when I took the dress out. It looked like it ended just three inches above my knees, with some sheer fabric on the shoulders and in the first layer of skirt. The studs on the collar gave it a bit of punk-y twist. I fricking loved it.

"But Frankie, what I don't fit in it?" A wave of insecurity washing over me.
"Honey pie, it will, I got the right size for you. I'm positive I did."

Frank was coming over tonight to have dinner in my flat. My phone buzzed and I picked it up expecting just a notification from my social media.
It wasn't.

Babe wear the dress I bought you tonight. I wanna see how you look in it.
One part of my brain said, "No! You're not ready to."
But the other (significantly larger) part said, "Do it! Would it be so hot if he got you off in that dress?"
You can guess which side I listened to.

The dress fit snugly around my waist and hips and made them look a bit more slimmer, which I liked. The only downside was the sheer fabric in the shoulders was a bit itchy. But I could deal with that. I twirled around in the mirror next to my wardrobe door. The dress skirt ballooned out like an ebony tutu, spinning with me in a ballerina-like style.

I felt pretty. More than I have in ages. It felt right to wear this tonight. For once I actually felt like myself in my clothes.

I was so transfixed in staring at myself in the mirror that I didn't notice the knock at my door. It sounded again and the sharp taps on the door of my room snapped me out of my trance.

"Uh.. um... come in," I stuttered, not knowing who it was. It was Frankie. When I realised it was him, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest.
"Oh gosh, you scared me," I mumbled and Frank smiled at the comment.

He walked over to me and gave me an up-and-down look and, when he was finished his inspection of me, said, "you look so fucking gorgeous, I can't think of anything to describe how beautiful you are."

God, that meant so much to me, just his appraisal and the loving look in his eyes. It made me feel all giggly and like I had caught a rocket to cloud nine.

"Thank you Frankie. I love you so much."
"I love you too sweetheart."

I'm sorry that was such a cheesy ending. I'm not good at writing fluff but I felt like it so here you go.
I might continue on this oneshot and add some smut.

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