A Chance Encounter- Chapter 1

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A Chance Encounter

Chapter 1


                Draco made his way down the wet, slippery streets of London. He didn’t really know where he was going; he just knew he had to get away from his world for a while. The muggle world was nothing new to him; he had been in it many times before with his mum. Narcissa had liked to shop for nice things in the muggle shops, despite his father Lucius’s disapproval. Draco knew his way around well enough. He also knew he couldn’t use magic, so luckily he had thought to bring an umbrella.

                Draco walked at a slow, but steady pace, watching all the people pass him by. The street he was on was close to the theater district and one of the busiest around. There were all sorts of people out in the drizzling rain. His mind wandered to his wife, Astoria. She would disapprove of his being here if she knew, but that was the whole reason he came here. It was as far away from her and his loveless marriage as he could get. The only thing he hated was leaving his young son Scorpius behind, but he was only four and better off staying with his mother right now.

                Draco and Astoria’s marriage had been a marriage of convenience. It had benefitted both their pure-blood families. They had not married for love or even attraction. At first there had been some attraction, but then he found out how she truly was.  It had been arranged by their parents and Draco had gone along with it like a well-trained puppy. What a fool he had been.

                He kept walking and was coming up on a corner intersection. The rain had suddenly gotten heavier and then it became a down pour. He made it to the intersection and was waiting for the pedestrian light to change when a young lady started squealing, pulling a hood up over her head she started to run across the street. She didn’t see the car coming with the hood pulled up over her head. Draco didn’t think he just reacted and threw the umbrella and grabbed her with both arms, pulling her back just in time as the car went screeching by, the driver blowing his horn long and loud.

                He had his arms wrapped around a very wet bundle of girl. He held her for a moment and then she reacted, “Oh my god,” she half whispered, and started trembling, “Thank you,” she gasped out, still clutching his arms. She was not a tall girl, the top of her head just reached his chin, and she didn’t weigh much because it had been very easy pulling her back from the car that was about to take her out. She looked up at him and Draco caught his breath. She was lovely, even wet, with the rain running down her face. She had the most beautiful blue eyes head ever seen framed by thick dark lashes, wet with the rain. Her hood had come down and her hair was wet so he couldn’t really tell what color it was.

                “Are you okay?” he was finally able to get out.

                “I think so,” she said still in shock. She finally realized that she had been gripping his arms, partially being held in an embrace. She quickly pulled back, “If I don’t catch pneumonia I might be alright,” she laughed.

                Draco quickly went and grabbed the umbrella where he had thrown it aside and brought it up over them. Now he was wet, but not near as wet as she was. “Don’t you own an umbrella?” he asked, not trying to be smart, but it certainly sounded that way to his ears.

                But she just laughed, “You know I asked myself that same question when I left my flat this morning.”

                She has a beautiful laugh, Draco thought, very deep and genuine, nothing false or fake about it.

One and Only (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)- ON HOLD TEMPORARILYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora