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Louis' POV

Just before the boys can say anything the bald policeman comes out from behind his desk and announces, "Gabriella Tomlinson come with me." She looks up at me for me to do something so I run over to the policeman and ask," Where are you taking her?"

The policeman looks up at me from reading his announcements paper and mumbles," As she has no legal guardian and this isn't her first encounter with the police we will be placing her in a youth detention for over two years." Gabby clings onto my leg and just as she is about to shout something Harry quickly places his hand over her mouth, assuming that she would make matters worse for herself. "You can't do that," I say with anger building up inside of me. "Well she has no parents or guardians so I can do whatever I want with her," the policeman confidently tells me with a wide grin which displays all of his teeth.

"What if I tell you that I think I might be her father," I say confidently back and Zayn pats me on the shoulder in support. The policeman looks up once more with a shocked expression and I see that Gabby is smirking at him again. "If you are her father then you can choose to be her legal guardian but you must pay a large fine for her incidents and her troublemaking," he lectures and I interrupt him by stating, " Done."

Clearly annoyed that he lost in our argument he takes a seat at his receptionist desk and asks," Would you like a DNA testing?" I know she's my daughter but I know that when I tell Simon he will demand for a DNA test. "Yes we would," I mutter and look down at my child.

"Come with me," the moody policeman directs as he leads all of us and Gabby into a small white room which Gabby looks too familiar with. "What will he do with my blood? Will he hurt me?" I hear Gabby ask niall in a panic and I can hear him whisper back," Don't you worry little one. After this we can go and get some food." I let out small smile as I'm waiting for the policeman to take my blood.

I don't flinch as I'm used to getting tattoo's but I can tell Gabby is nervous to show her arm and most importantly her scar. "Can you use her other arm?" I ask the policeman and Gabby looks up and smiles at me. The policeman rolls his eyes and I whisper, "I'll tell you about it later," to the confused boys.

Once the policeman has finished the tests he goes into another room and we all wait patiently for the results. "Gabby you know that I will adopt you anyway even if you aren't my child," I tell her and she gently hugs me before whispering," Thank you Daddy."

My heart skips a beat when she says that and I can tell all the boys are happy for me. When the policeman walks back into the room everyone is dead silent which is a change for us and the policeman announces," Well Mr Tomlinson you are Gabriella's father and legal guardian as of now." I smile and Gabby hugs me tightly before hugging all of the other boys. "Come out here and you can sign the papers," the moody policeman mumbles and he leads us out to the receptionist desk once again.

" Can you please take Gabby outside so I can talk to the policeman about her details," I direct Niall, Liam and Zayn, knowing that the police man is going to tell me about Gabby's past.

All of the boys nod and Harry stays beside me as we wait for the policeman to hand over Gabby's adoption file. "Sign here please," the policeman tells me and in a couple of seconds I have signed the documents.

"We have to tell you that Gabriella has been known for punching people in her orphanage and her early school days. She has had a bad past and has been abused by various foster parents. Her mother died two years after Gabriella was put in an orphanage and it is said that she died from a drug and alcohol overdose. Good luck with her," The policeman explains and immediately my heart sinks.

"I should have been there for here. I can't believe she was abused. My little 8 year old was abused," I mutter but Harry buts in with," Lou it wasn't your fault! You didn't even know you had a daughter. She'll be happy now." I nod and Harry takes her adoption file as we walk to the main foyer to meet the three boys and Gabby.

"Come on lets go and get some food," Niall exclaims and I lift Gabby into my arms as she produces a yawn. "Good luck! You'll need it," the bald policeman shouts after us getting a couple of laughs from his fellow workmates. Just before I can say anything Gabby lifts her hand up and gives him the middle finger making Niall laugh hysterically.

I give her a stern look but burst into laughter when she gives me her famous smirk. Wow, she really is my daughter!


Once we are in the car and Gabby is introduced to her Uncles we all decide that we will go to the McDonalds drive though which makes Niall's usual grin even wider. I notice that Gabby is starting to yawn so I look at the time on my phone and realise that it's 7pm.

When Liam starts to order through the machine Gabby taps me on the shoulder and whispers, "Am I allowed to eat?" I nod at her and whisper," Of course! You don't have to ask me for permission baby," and she nods at me as I hug her. I order for myself and for Gabby and soon enough everyone but Liam, who is driving, is eating their food.

"You guys are torturing me," Liam laughs but I notice Gabby tense up at the word torture which worries me.

I watch as Gabby eats her food and it's clear she hasn't been fed in a while by the way she's eating it and by how skinny she is. Zayn notices as well and nudges me to make me aware. Once we enter the house Liam immediately runs into the kitchen to eat his takeaway and Niall and Harry sprint into the living room to watch the football game.

Zayn takes Gabby into the living room as well to watch the football game along with her uncles whilst Simon talks to me down the phone about how immature I am.

"It won't happen again, I promise. You will meet Gabby tomorrow at 2pm. Yes that's fine. See you tomorrow" I reply down the phone until Simon has finished his rant. He seemed nervous to meet Gabby. I walk into the living room to find that Niall and Gabby are fake wrestling and are hysterically laughing but it's clear that Niall is letting Gabby win on purpose.

"Uncle Niall, I'm stronger than you," she says between breaths of laughter which causes everyone else to laugh as well.

"Gabby come on, we've got to get you cleaned up," I inform and she immediately moans in annoyance. "I know Gabby but it's late," I say as she gets up off of Niall and walks over to me. "I suppose you're right, I mean I could've hurt Niall because he's weaker than me," she teases causing Niall to run over and tickle her.

"You little munchkin," he says as he tickles her. "I'll come up and help you Lou," Zayn tells me as he gets up off his chair. I nod at him and carry Gabby up the stairs to the bathroom so we can get the dirt off of her. Well this is going to be interesting!

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