Chapter 14

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// ok so this chapter is probably going to be super depressing so WARNING! It is also gonna be longer than normal by just a bit. Just to let you know. Thanks and enjoy \\

《Jake's POV》

It seemed impossible to me that she would try again. She has gotten so much worse. Her wrists looked like a field of tall grass but instead a crimson red covered the skin.

So many..........just so many. I couldn't stand it. At least she is still alive right? No. She needs to stop. She has gotten much skinnier since the last time I saw her.

She saw me and her face just held no emotions whatsoever. I watched as a single tear ran down her face and she collapsed on to the floor.

People started to notice and crowd around her taking pictures and rolling up her sleeves to take pictures of her cuts and scars. Some laughing, some crying, some just dumbfounded at the sight of her scar covered skin.

"ENOUGH!!!" I yell louder than I have ever yelled before.

I parted a path and picked Emily up bridal style and walked out of the room leaving everyone frozen.


I awoke suddenly thinking it had been real. I don't understand. I hope she is ok. I'll see her at school tomorrow. I hope.

I lay back down and try to fall asleep once more.

《Emily's POV》

I awoke in bed and in a pool of sweat and snott. What had happened? It didn't matter to me because in a matter of seconds I was holding my emergency razor against my thigh and slicing the skin.

I cried silently as the razor went farther into my leg. I stopped for a moment to look at the crimson blood dripping from both the razor and my leg.

I never thought I could do that. I liked it though. I switched to my other thigh and did the same crying from the pain but releaved from it because I knew I deserved it. I don't know why but I did.

Well looky here. A sad girl with a sad life sitting on the floor with a razor in her hand, slitting her skin to draw a pretty picture only she would understand. You are pathetic. You caused all of this shit and now everyone thinks you are a slut, a bitch, a cunt, and so much more but I will spare you. Your fat and will never fit in. Your family hates you. They talk about you behind your back and you don't even know it. Remember those girls on the sidewalk today. They were laughing at you and how fat and ugly you are. You should help them Emily. Wouldn't it be nice to just go to sleep and never wake up. You wouldn't have to deal with guys and all the problems you caused. They would disappear with you. Like they never existed. Like you never existed. Doesn't that sound pleasant. The comfy bed you will never leave. Sweet dreams.

"No! Stop it dammit!" I half whisper shout.

I couldn't help but notice how pale I was becoming from the lose of blood. I cleaned up my legs but stayed and stared at the razor. Dried blood stuck to it ruining it's shiny texture. My blood is a stain. A disgrace.

One more cut. Deeper than ever before. I had done it and it felt good. Amazing even. I felt like I deserved every last ouce of pain the world had. I cleaned up leaving no sign of me ever being there.

I sat on my bed for hours just thinking about the day I will die. It might be tomorrow for all I know. I would like that. I just need a hug. One last hug from one last person.

You don't need one more hug!! Who is there to give you tha hug??? No one. Forget it Emily. Just be you.

"NO! I will not listen to you. I need to see Jake. I need to know the truth." I half whisper shout.

Fine. Sweet dreams. Have fun dreaming about the horrific ways you and your "friends" can DIE!

It took me forever to fall asleep, but when I did, I dreamt of my friends dying in horrible ways just like the voice said.

All I had to do was embrace it and I did. I awoke with caution but stood ready to tackle the day. More like just stay in the shadows but I will see Jake today.

I will see him.

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