That Night, Ten Years Ago

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Third Person POV

It was a cold, winter night as a girl named, Yuna was sitting with her older brother, Kaname learning about their family history while their younger sister named, Yuki was with their mother, Juri reading a children's book.

Juri, Kaname, and Yuna sensed a familiar presence nearby. Kaname and Yuna both looked at Juri with a worried look while Juri looked down and nodded, telling them to go to Haruka and tell him that the presence was no other than their uncle, Rido Kuran.

As Kaname and Yuna both walked outside towards Haruka, they saw a figure walking towards them.
As the figure was walking towards them, Yuna went inside while Kaname and Haruka would deal with Rido. Rido began to smirk as she went inside. He could smell her blood and he began to laugh.

"After all of these years you hid your most precious gift for me..." Rido said as Kaname and Haruka glared at Rido.

Yuna's POV

As I headed inside, I knew that my mother would be sacrificing her life for Yuki's protection. I could smell her blood as Yuki's presence was no longer here.

I walked back outside as I saw my father being pierced with an anti-vampire weapon. My heart began to break as my family was gone because of my uncle, Rido...

"You monster!" I yelled as he began to walk towards me with a smirk plastered across his face.

"What a lovely day this is." Rido said as his hand was about to touch me. I began to boil inside then all of the sudden Rido began to scream with pain in his voice.

I could hear his bones cracking then he vanished into thin air. Kaname looked at me with wide eyes as my world began to fade into the darkness. Then everything became pitch black.

Ten Years Later, Third Person POV

As Kaname waited for Yuna, Aido and Ruka began to argue about how Lord Kaname should be respected and treated by as well as Lady Yuna. Since Kaname and Yuna are both Purebloods, that makes them important from the other vampires.

Yuna sighs as she hears the commotion down stairs. She walks out of her bedroom then walks down the stairs as everyone bows down to her.

"Aido, Ruka, I suggest you two behave." Yuna said sharply. Ruka and Aido nodded then slowly backed away from each other.

"Yuna, stay close to me." Kaname said as Yuna smiled softly at him. He held out his hand as she took his hand in return then stood close to him.

As they walked out of the moon dorm, they could hear the girls screaming their names. Once the gate opens, they are surrounded with a bunch of human girls.

"If I were you, I would stand back and be quite!" Yuna shouted, making the girls stand back to their spots as the Night Class begins to walk to their class.

As Yuna and Kaname were walking to class, they came face to face with Yuki and Zero. Zero looked at Yuna and Kaname with disgust while Yuki looked at them in awe. She never understood how Yuna and Kaname were so close to each other even if they are siblings, but what she doesn't know his that Kaname has feelings for Yuna now.

Yuki and Zero both stood there as Yuna and Kaname walked past them, going straight to their class.

Yuna's POV

When Kaname and I arrived in class, our teacher began to talk about how a rare vampire could have many powers as a pureblood can have.

The teacher noticed that Kaname was reading a book instead of paying attention to his lesson, so he looked at me and I shook my head then stood up.

"Even if a pureblood like myself and my brother Kaname, would listen to this lesson, we both have learned this over a thousand times. This special vampire that you say has so much power than a pureblood, then how come you never know what any of these rare vampires go through? These vampires go through so much as well as their partner. Can you see who you are talking to?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Yuna. You're right. I will seek to know more from you then the rest of the class." The teacher said without any hesitation.

"Good." I said as I sat down in my seat.

As I zoned out during the lesson I began to wonder what it would be like if I were to be in the senate. Since Kaname and I were already aware of what the senate was hiding from us, we knew that in time a gift would be sent to me for the plan in place that Kaname and I already agreed on...

What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Read to find out as the story begins to unfold.

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