Hostages 3

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"What are they doing with all that C4?" Iris asked, scared.

"Blowing stuff up?" Bart replied.

"Yeah, us!" A man with glasses snapped. He wore a hideous pin stripe suit with a name tag that read 'Greg'. Bart assumed he worked at the mall.

"You don't know that." Bart said.

"You don't know that." Greg mocked. "Why else would they need it?"

"For a grown man, you really are childish!" Iris sighed and Greg grumbled.

"Enough chat!" Thad yelled as he re-entered the room.

Bart rolled his eyes but Thad saw him.

"Hey!" Thad made his way over to Bart and yanked him up. "Come along now." Thad began to the drag Bart out of the shop.

"Bart!" Iris called out.


"C4? Why would they need C4?" Flash whispered to Kid Flash and Blue Beetle, who had managed to make their way into the mall undetected.

"Who knows." Kid Flash replied, turning around and facing a fountain.

"Don't think I didn't see you." A voice rang out from across the room.

Blue Beetle whipped around and came face to face with Reverse Flash. Blue jumped back, readying his plasma cannon.

"Reverse Flash!" Flash growled. "Where are the hostages?"

"Now why would I tell you that?" RF leant back and crossed his arms.

"Because I asked?" Flash questioned and Kid, Blue and Reverse Flash all rolled their eyes.

Reverse Flash stood up straight and launched a punch at Blue Beetle who then shot his plasma cannon.

Not too soon, it was a full out fight, with punches and kicks every 3 seconds.

"Incoming!" Someone yelled, causing the fight to pause, and everyone to duck as someone was thrown over them and crashed into the wall.

"Owww..." The person sat up and rubbed their head. Blue looked over and saw it was... Bart.

"Ba- Hey, are you okay?" Blue decided not to mention to Reverse Flash they knew each other.

Bart looked up and smiled. "Yeah." Not too long after Bart crashed into the wall, Thad came along.

"We gotta go, Reverse." Thad said before making some signal with his hand. This alert Reverse Flash to something and he waved as he sped off with his partner.

"Bart!" All three of the rescuers cried out, once they knew it was safe. They ran over and gave him a hug and Bart hugged back.

"We'll go get the hostages." Wally said and he and Barry ran off in the wrong direction.

"Other way!" Bart called out and the two speedsters came back and ran down the other way.

"I knew that." Barry said.

"Are you okay, mi amor?" Jaime asked, pulling Bart closer to him.

"Sí!" Bart chuckled. Jaime sighed in relief and kept Bart close to him for another minute or so.

The C4 will go off in 2 minutes, Jaime Reyes.


Approximately 4 minutes ago.


1:30 left.

"What's up, Blue?" Bart asked, pulling away.

"The C4 has been activated. 1:14 left." Jaime said worried.

Wally returned, a panicked look on his face.

"All hostages out, but a guy named Greg tampered with the bomb. 10 seconds left." Wally spoke in his speed talking.

"What?" Jaime asked in confusion but didnt get an explanation as he was dragged out by two, very fast speedy people.

And they had not done it a moment too soon. The bomb exploded, shattering glass and people outside screamed in terror.

"Oh. Right." Jaime said, trying not to throw up.

Bart rolled his eyes before kissing his boyfriend.

"This is why I hate shopping."


Crappy chapter? Probably. But I wanted to get something up as I have exams next week and I may not update (not that I do much). I have to revise this week as well, so if there are any chapters, they probably will be crappier than this. Plus, I may write them late at night due to my thinking being the best at night (or in the shower but I ain't taking my phone there). Anywho, I also have a doctors test on Thursday because they think I have ADHD. Yay me. So sorry :/ please understand though and dont attack me with pitchforks.

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