Hostages 2

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Just a quick A/N, I don't know too much 'bout Thad, so pls don't kill meh for errors.

"So, you and Jaime, eh?" Iris asked and she and Bart walked to Central Mall.

"Does Barry, like Jaime?" Bart asked.

"Oh, I'm sure he does sweetie. But, you know how protective he is." Iris chuckled and ruffled Bart's hair, earning herself a whine. Something about messing up his hair. And it was at this point the writer forgot what they were writing about as they left the chapter for a while.

Upon entering Central Mall, Iris knew something was up. It was never this empty.

Two sudden gusts of wind shocked the two of them, sending both of them crashing to the floor.

Looking up, Bart saw two people, one of whom he had been warned about. The person in question was Reverse Flash. But the other, however. Bart did not know. This other person was a boy similar to Bart. His suit was practically the same as Bart's, the only difference being the colour scheme.

"Two more." The boy grinned and hauled Bart to his feet while Reverse Flash got Iris.

"Get off me!" Iris snapped and yanked her arm away and she slapped Reverse Flash.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Reverse Flash grinned at the boy, who tightened his grip on Bart's arm. Bart yelped in pain. "Come along now."

The two speedsters lead Bart and Iris down to a shop, full of more people who looked terrified and who were lying down on the floor.

"Lie down. Over there." The boy pointed to an empty patch in the corner. Iris and Bart made their way over and laid down on their stomachs. The boy kept staring at Bart menacingly, until Reverse Flash called him away.

"Come along now, Thad! We have work to do."

Bart took a mental note to kill Thad.

-With Jaime-

Jaime followed the two streaks across Central City towards the mall.

Do not be afraid, Jaime Reyes.

I am not... Much.

The Impulse will be okay.

Since when are you so nice?

The scarab remained silent and Jaime gave a slight chuckle. Finally, they were at Central City mall, and Jaime landed just as Kid Flash skidded to a stop.

Outside, there were cops and a police line had been set up.

"Ah, hello Flash!" A police officer called out. "9 hostages in total, 8 adults and one kid. My chief will explain the situation more." The police officer pointed to a balding man in his fifties talking to SWAT member.

Flash nodded and he, Kid and Blue headed over to the man.

"Excuse me?" Flash tapped the mans shoulder and he turned. "I was told you could explain the situation inside, Mister...?"

"Cozart. Jean Cozart. And yes, I can." Jean stuck his hand out and Flash shook it. "Approximately 37 minutes ago, Reverse Flash and another speed person took 9 hostages. They are all in the jewellery store, currently lying on the floor. We still have no clue as to their demands." Jean sighed and rubbed his face.

"It's okay." Blue Beetle patted the man's shoulder and Jean gave a weak smile.

"It's fine. It's just-" Jean paused.

"It's what?" Kid Flash pressed him.

"Well, a hostage managed to give us 1 minute phone call while the two suspects went around collecting more hostages. And, well..."


"There's a 6!pounds of C4 inside."

And it took all of Jaime's will power not to collapse.

Mi Amor (BluePulse)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt